Sunday, January 29, 2006

While the world was sleeping...

I was dealing with my brother... which don't get me wrong, I was glad to do 'cause Lord knows someone had to and I was the only one who could. He got into a car accident last night in Ybor City after attending the Gasparilla all day (the images are all of what his car looks like right now). He was tired, sunburned, had been drinking much earlier in the night (he's not that stupid), and he reached for his ringing cellphone and hit a telephone pole as he was making a U-turn on Palm Avenue. At 1:30 am... So he called the house a little 2 am, and I was just getting ready to go to bed and, of course, I said I'd go pick him up. A police officer had come and pronounced him fine and didn't ticket him and wasn't concerned enough to call an ambulance, and a tow-truck from AAA was on the way... I woke up my parents and told them what was going on, washed my face, got my keys, and headed out at 2 am. Because of the lack of traffic at that time of night, it only took about 15 minutes to get there by I-275. The tow-truck took another hour and a half to get there around 3:12 am. We got it towed back to the house... By the time we got here, Josh's head was really beginning to hurt and I thought and he thought and his friend Phillip thought that he might have a concussion... Josh hit the pole in such a way that, even though he was wearing his seatbelt, he was bounced up when the car went over the curb and hit his head on the windshield. There are 27 cracks in the glass from the impact, but his head isn't even showing a bruise. So we brought his few items from his car inside, got some water and went to the emergency room... got there a little before 4 am. He was scared shitless and very sleepy and I wouldn't let him fall asleep because of what they say about concussions and sleeping... They saw us around 4:30 and the doctor ordered a CT Scan. Went down for that at 5, came back to the ER, the doc looked him over, said they'd know more once the scan came back and gave him some Ibuprophen for the headache. He fell asleep... I sat... tick, tick, tick... Just before 7 the results came back. No concussion, but a possible anomaly on his left side caused be an unknown injury... So he has to see a specialist and possibly have a more detailed scan early next week... He wouldn't wake up to hear all of this however cause he just wanted to sleep. We tried, he wouldn't budge... like a young guy does when he's trying to sleep and doesn't want to wake up. So the doc started the discharge procedure and we got out of there at 8 am... I had called my parents and let them know what was going on after the results came in. They hadn't known we'd gone to the hospital, but said I handled it all well. When we got home, Josh was more alert. I guess all the movement of getting out to the car had woken him a bit. I told him what the doctor had said about the follow up. Josh was pissed that the doc had told me all this, and not him. Explaining that at the time he was not waking up to hear it didn't help... I had had to put his shoes back on him, for goodness sake, the whole time ranting at him how the shoes were the last straw and I had better get a really good present for it all, and he didn't hear a bit of it, he was that non-responsive. Oy! He didn't want to hear it all. He was just pissed, coming down from all the trauma of it, and wanted to rant and rave and go to bed. But apparently when he woke up at 2 this afternoon, he was doing better and my mom was able to better explain to him what had happened. I slept from 9 til 3pm... I'm still tired, but couldn't sleep anymore right now. That's okay. I have homework to do...

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