Thursday, February 09, 2006


Theraflu is a wonderful thing 'cause Nyquil just doesn't do it for me anymore... I only wish that it didn't have enough acetaminophen in it to bring down a horse... I exaggerate, but seriously it's got 1000 milligrams a dose. That's a lot, especially considering the evidence of liver damage from high dosages... I need to get some more if and when I go out tomorrow though because I only have one packet left. They do have some types without acetaminophen, I think. Anything to make the headache and the sore throat go away... Oh and I can't remember the brand, but these things are called "Shower Soothers." They're like bath fizzies, except that they are used in the shower instead and smell of wintergreen and eucalyptus and other stuff that help with congestion. They are really nice and work pretty well.

To catalogue my symptoms for the record (skip this paragraph if you don't want to hear about them. I tried not to be graphic.): as of 4:30 am on February 9th, I have relatively minor sinus pressure and related minor headache, probably due to congestion... possibly some minor upper repertory congestion that is breaking up causing me to cough, and visibly inflamed tonsils, uvula and surrounding tissue resulting in a persistent "scratchy throat" feeling. All this has persisted since around 12 midnight yesterday. I've found that gargling the Theraflu before swallowing helps (although it does taste completely nasty). Previous symptoms of stomach virus have entirely disappeared.

For now, I'm off to gargle some salt water. Heard that it helps. Tips and advice are welcome...

... In other news:

I've figured out how to use my spinning wheel now. (Woo!) I've done about three balls of what is right now Corriedale lace-weight singles (averaging 22 wpi) over the last three days. I may eventually ply it all into something that will be (I think) around a dk weight 2-ply. It depends what I decide to make with it. I've got a few options and ideas at this point.

I also continue to work on the twilight hood and the heartwarmer. I've put down the heartwarmer for the time being though, trying to get the twilight hood done. I've got only a few dozen rows left on it. I'll finish it tomorrow or the next day probably with no problems.

Still working on the garden. When the sun comes up, I'll lay out more row plans. I've got the tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, and eggplant already laid out, and the approximate areas for the corn. I'm also getting the herb garden ready. The basil will go in the ground next week when the tomato, eggplant and pepper seedlings are ready to be planted, followed by the peanuts, sweet marjoram, and milk weed along the front walk for the butterflies. By the end of February, with Joe's help, the sweet corn will be planted, as well as everything else we'll be growing this season (yellow squash, cucumbers, okra, green beans, maybe field corn). For the rest of the season, I'll be adding other herbs and trying to get the silly pond in shape... I probably should have planned it out a bit better, but I can't see how I could have. It will look a lot better once there are plants in it and around it and the mulch is down.

School is going well. I've got about three weeks til the midterm exam. Not really worried at this point...

Can't think of anything else until this darned virus goes away...

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