Sunday, March 26, 2006


About a week ago, I wrote a post about a children's cassette tape that I used to listen to when I was a little girl. I couldn't find my copy and I couldn't seem to track down any information about it on the web because I couldn't remember enough details about the tape. Thanks to a very nice lady, Meridith, I was able to find the cassette tape. She said that the song I was talking about was sung by Debbie Friedman, and she was very right about that. As I was listening to short clips of Debbie's songs on, the sound of her voice triggered the memory of where I last saw the cassette tape. And sure enough, there it was in the storage box underneath my bed! So I have the tape. It's called "Home Start" and it was published in 1985 by Behrman House, Inc. I wrote to them asking for any information they could provide me, figuring that was a good place to start, since the tapes do not seem to have made it into CD form... at least, not that I can discover via yahoo or google. Apparently, it was subscription series of tapes, but I only remember ever having this one with the Purim and Chanukah stories on the B-side. I hope to hear from Behrman soon.


  1. Hi!

    The internet is such an amazing place to find people, places, and things. :)

    And I'm glad to see I am not alone in my addiction to :D

  2. Isn't that the truth! ;D No, indeed, you are not alone. It only takes me about 5 minutes after the new issues are published to be wanting to see both that quarter's surprises and the next quarter's issue.
