Friday, May 05, 2006

Colbert at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

Everyone needs to see these video clips. I pray you've got access to a computer somewhere with a decent bandwidth. Stephen Colbert (of The Colbert Report on Comedy Central) truly lampooned the President right in front of him... and Laura Bush... and the entire press core... and several military officials... And there was hardly a laugh to be heard in the whole place... I think that's quite telling just how good and right on the mark his routine was in this case. Laura had the sourest expression I think I've ever seen on her face... like she'd just smelled something nasty and was trying not to smell it again but didn't want anyone else to know that. Laura and George W. left the banquet right after Stephan retook his seat. Don't know if that was the plan, but "wow!" if it wasn't! Very brave of you Stephen! Kudos!

Stephen is acting like he's at a Friar's Club Roast of President Bush rather than a White House dinner...

His "audition tape" for getting to be the next White House Press Secretary...

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