Friday, May 26, 2006

Knitting update and "X-Men: the Last Stand"

I finished knitting the first of the Winter Shawls today. I still have some ends to weave in and I have to attach the fringe before it will be done, but the knitting of it is finished, and it looks mighty fine if I do say so myself. I'm busy spinning up the roving I've gotten so I can knit some more.

Busy spinning or not, I had to make time to see "X-Men: The Last Stand" (abbreviated by me X-3) tonight though... I... didn't really like it so much... I liked "X-2" way better... I would say why but it would spoil it for those who have not seen it, so I will at least put spoiler space first... So read this post no further if you wish to avoid spoilers. Also, warning, going to get very fan-girlish.



My 12 issues with and very few likes of X-3:

# 1. Scott is NOT dead!... Cyclops cannot *die*! Are you kidding me?!?! Lack of Alpha Level healing power notwithstanding, he's not allowed. ('Cause I say so, damn it!) Am totally miffed that this was implied, but very glad that it was never conclusively confirmed. I never saw it happen and I saw no body. Jean only seemed to assume that she killed him... We didn't actually *see* it happen in her memory, so Scott is not dead. I have watched enough soap operas in my life to know that if you don't see a body (and even sometimes when you do), they're not dead, no matter who says they are. So Scott's still alive, wandering blind in the Canadian wilderness, pissed as all get out, and waiting to be found if he can't find his own way back to civilization. End of story... I will hear no more on this matter...

#2. Mystique can't loose her powers! She's almost as old as Logan and she's Mystique! And Nightcrawler never found out that she's his mom! And neither can Rogue loose her powers... That was not supposed to happen... She's supposed to eventually figure out a way to control them. Erik (Magneto) obviously did not really loose his power, given the small display at the end, despite having *four* doses of "the cure" pumped into his system. ::rolls eyes::

#3. Was it really necessary to kill Jean *again*? And to make Logan do it? Do we even know how many women he's loved and had to watch die? ::shakes head:: It's just mean at this point what these canon writers keep doing to him. Not nice at all, I say. Give the poor 100+ year old man a break, will ya? Although, she did die temporarily at the end of the Phoenix thing in the comics... but she came back again in that! So WTF?

#4. Knew Charles wasn't dead... hehe... Although I started crying during the scene where Logan was trying to reach him so that he could save him (or try to) but couldn't, and then when he finally got there, realized he was too late and he sat down and cried with Storm... Yeah, I was totally crying too...

#5. There wasn't enough Archangel in this movie... Not nearly enough... (Was totally crying during the scene they showed of Angel as a little boy when he was trying to cut off his wings. That was horrible!) And where on Earth was Remy (Gambit)? And where did Nightcrawler go? Seems like they not only could have used their help in this, but they really should have been there. And Jubilee is in the credits, and so are Siryn and Psylocke, but I don't remember seeing any of them... And Jubilee at the very least should have had a larger role.

#6. They sure did flatten out Pyro in this movie into a one-dimensional, angry teenage villain, didn't they? Very disappointing, as the rivalry between Pyro and Iceman should have been rounded out better. The build up from the first two movies kinda fizzled out in this one like a Zippo that ran out of lighter fluid. Come on, people! Fire versus Ice? That could have been an awesome fight... but no... It turned out rather boring and too predictable.

#7. Liked Kitty Pryde though. She was pretty cool and played a surprisingly larger role than I expected. And Piotr Rasputin (Colossus)... Oy! Or as Lauren said upon seeing him, "He can be my husband." But where was his little sister? Wasn't he supposed to have a little sister hanging around that school?

#8. Juggernaut was defeated *way* too easily and was *way* under-used. And what ever happened to the guy who could make duplicates of himself? He just fell out of the story... The movie reminded me "Elektra" in this way...

#9. So there's a mutant who makes other mutants temporarily loose their power when they come within 5 feet of him... Yeah... That's convenient... ::rolls eyes::

#10. Dark Phoenix and Wolverine going at it... Yeah... could have skipped seeing that... Though I applaud Logan for knowing it was *very* wrong and stopping it...

#11. I hate, hate, hate what the film-makers do to Xavier's character in this film. I don't mean how they "kill" him (although I hated that too)... I mean, making it seem like he's doing basically the same thing that Magneto is trying to do with Jean, but with the excuse, which the film-makers make seem flimsy at best, that he is "doing it for her own good," with his indignant statement of "I don't have to explain myself to you," directed at both Logan and the audience. It's sickening... to do that to a character who is supposed to be there as a guide and help to his students. He doesn't make decisions *for* them or without their permission! And that's exactly what they have him do in this movie with Jean... totally twisting his character, and Jean's and most of the rest of the X-Men characters into parodies of what they're supposed to be given the previous movies (not even counting the comics... not familiar enough with the comics to make that sort of judgment). The whole situation... hell, the whole movie could have been handled much differently, and I for one am very sorry for how it was handled.

#12. The wrap up was too quick... the exposition comparatively way too long... and there wasn't enough detail in either... (Again, very like "Elektra" in this respect.) The story wasn't told very well. It felt rushed and sloppy. This could be because I spent almost the entire movie waiting for Scott to come back on screen... but I doubt it...

In conclusion, in my oh-so-humble opinion, the movie makers did very little right in the third installment of the X-Men movie saga. As far as I am concerned, if they do not fix the most crucial of it (Scott is *not* dead!) in the next movie, "Wolverine," then X-3 does not exist in *my* canon. It stops after X-2 and I will live in the very happy Denial-Land of Fictional Catastrophes. ::huffs:: And that's all there is to it... (After all, Richie Ryan's not dead either, and a 6th season of "Highlander: The Series"? What sixth season of "Highlander: The Series"? And "Endgame" ::pfft:: Pul-leeeze! As if!).

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