Wednesday, May 17, 2006

More Green News...

The great state of Pennsylvania is on the verge of going on my happy list. After this, all they need to do is oust Santorum from office in November...

The Philadelphia Eagles have implemented a number of strategies to reduce or eliminate the amount of carbon the team produces. They have switched to organics for the maintenance of their playing and practice fields and started recycling programs throughout their organization. They have also begun purchasing renewable energy to power their facilities, and they are in the process of making bio-diesel fuel recycled from the cooking oil from the team's kitchens. They also have led tree-planting programs in their community. Major kudos to the Eagles!

The Governor of Pennsylvania, Edward Rendell, has joined the Virtual March and so have several other top state officials. And it wasn't a hollow political action! Pennsylvania is investing millions of dollars in renewable energy, including $193,000 for 15 small-scale community wind projects to demonstrate modern wind technology in highly visible locations throughout the state. Governor Rendell rolled out the welcome mat for the Gamesa Corporation, the second largest wind energy company in the world, which recently sited its U.S. headquarters in Philadelphia and opened two manufacturing facilities in the state, representing an $84 million investment in Pennsylvania's economy and creating hundreds of jobs.

Governor Rendell says, "The solution to global warming is all about efficiency and productivity and innovation… We are building a clean, secure energy future in Pennsylvania and it is high time we get serious about global warming and build that better future at the national level as well. Global warming is a problem---but it is a huge opportunity as well."

I really like that attitude! More politicians need to adopt it and implement it in positive action! And I hope other states follow Pennsylvania's lead.

If you want to do something to help, write to your mayor or county officials and ask them to sign the Climate Protection Agreement, if they haven't already done so.

For more information of carbon-neutral efforts being made around the country, check out this site... from which most of this information was taken.

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