Thursday, July 20, 2006

Charity opportunity

Hey all you knitters and crocheters out there! Warm Up America and Save the Children are collecting caps for newborn babies in third world countries between now and January 2, 2007. They are trying to increase awareness of infant mortality rates in third world countries and empower people to make a difference, as well as get the government to do their part (don't ask me exactly what that is, but there you go...). Go to for the patterns and instructions for where to send them. Every cap that is donated will be given to a needy newborn baby in one of the more than 100 countries in which Save the Children works, including the United States. They only need one from each person and baby caps are very easy to make and require little yarn and ridiculously little time. Get some scraps out of your stash and knit one up today!

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