Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Classes continued...

... Unlike when I was a Freshman, I *now* know not to bite off more than I can chew. Therefore, I'm dropping my Theory of History class, which (to paraphrase Maria's reaction) is like a full-time schedule all in one class, in order to concentrate on my other classes. I just don't feel like sacrificing my GPA on the alter of expediency, cause seriously the class is ridiculous. Latin requires daily attention and discipline. Medieval Spains has 7 text books, a 7 - 9 page term paper, as well as a movie review. Theory of History required a lot of seriously heavy reading (another 7 books... *thick* books...), not fun books either, books that the prof claimed we would want to kill him for assigning, as well as a ten-page paper, and 7 2-page papers... What worried me most was the pace of the reading (a whole several hundred page book + an impossible to BS paper on said book every 1 to 2 weeks) because I don't read quickly and I have never mastered the art of skimming and retaining information. Call it a mental block, but I've tried and it just doesn't work. On top of that, the prof is the one everyone in the department warns against taking classes with because he's more than a little unhinged in Sadistic kinds of ways... He likes making things as difficult for his students as he possibly can and is extremely abrasive. He also told us that he purposely picked difficult books because he felt like it and doesn't care if his students don't like it. I hope he *never* gets tenure because it's just not necessary to be that way. I've tried to take classes with him before, but I just couldn't stand him. Theory is required to graduate, but nothing says I have to take it with him. There are other profs who are nice and human beings and pick reasonably books. Unfortunately, all other sections are packed for this semester...

So I won't be graduating until Fall 2007 now.

That's alright...


I have to look on the bright side. Now, I have time to concentrate on starting my business.

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