Monday, September 18, 2006

Today... well, yesterday, since it's almost 2 am...

It was a really great day, despite the questionable start.

Went to Ulta with Zinzi to get a Bare Essentuals makeover... Just to see what the "professionals" would do as far as colors on my face... The girl who did mine wasn't a professional though... Didn't say a word beyond the first few minutes and had a look of "what am I going to do with *this!*" on her face like the whole time... She asked when I sat down, "So have you ever used Bare Essentuals before?" I answered yes, I use it all the time. She looked at me sideways and said, "Well then, why are you here?" I was like, "Well, I've never really got into the colored makeup yet and I'm curious about it. I'd like to try it out before I buy it." And she was like "O...kay..." Seemed like every other woman getting theirs done at the same time also already used it and their makeover people weren't giving them a hard time... Whatever... So she proceeded to spackle my face (a major no-no with Bare Essentuals makeup) and it was clear to me that she was very disinterested in what was she was doing. I will not even go into how she applied my lipstick. I ended up looking as pearlescent, pastel and pink as Lana Lang on "Smallville"! With a really bad collagen job because of how she applied the lipliner (which I don't usually wear). Not good... I know pink is a good color on me, but I would rather not look like a sugar-frosted pink Peep, thank you. So I didn't get their recommended colors. I got nothing actually. I decided the best thing to do would be to go back on a less busy day (the store was crawling with people!) and bring the make-up colors I already use (they're all Clinique) and see what Bare Essentuals colors match them best. Because I really like the make-up colors I use now (see photo in my profile to see why), I would just rather use Bare Essentuals eye makeup and lipstick now that I'm running out of my Clinique and I need to either buy more Clinique or switch to something else.

Zinzi looked much cuter than me after her makeover! The guy doing her makeup also wears Bare Essentuals, so he knew what he was doing. When he started, he said something to the effect of, "I just got here, honey, so I'm a little frazzled. I haven't even had time to put on my eyes yet!" His eyes needed no help though! Very thick, dark lashes and gorgeous hazel eyes. He had a great sense of humor, joked around with us, asked questions about what kind of look Zinzi was going for, how she liked her makeup to look, etc and so he did a great job with Zinzi's makeup. He used dark olive green and burgundy eyeshadows, which perfectly complimented both her skintone *and* the shirt she was wearing. And the lipstick was perfect for her skintone too. Very jealous was I 'cause her makeover was *way* better. I looked ridiculous...

After that, we went back to my house, I redid my makeup and then we went to TGI Fridays for dinner. We tried their new appetizers, the fried mac & cheese balls (evil! good, but *evil!*) and the fried green beans. Fried green beans are my new favorite french fries substitute. They were *way* better than the fries!
After dinner we stopped back at my house to get our books and stuff and then headed to Borders to study - Zinzi for the GRE and me for my Latin test on Tuesday. We were there for three hours but it seemed more like a third that time. Our friend, Laura, was working and talking to her gave my brain a rest from studying several times. Zinzi is focused though. I don't think I ever saw her take a break that wasn't instigated by me whining about one thing or another. She tolerated the interruptions well, bless her. I can't ever just sit and study. I have to have some kind of noise and interruption or I get headaches... whether figurative or literal.

Just a bit before closing at 9pm, I got up to go get the few things I was planning to buy - the Fall Interweave Knits magazine because they have got some *cute* patterns in there, including a silk knit spencer jacket, of all things (::wails:: but the yarn would cost $275!), that I have to remember to show to Susan at some point, and a "Studs 'n Spurs" calendar for Maria. It was Maria's birthday last week and we both *love* cowboys and horses, so it is appropriate. The calendar says on the back, "Ride west and fall in love with these toned and tanned cowboys. Each moth a new young buck will have you swearing a pair of jeans never looked so good! This is the perfect calendar for those with a western persuasion, so saddle up for a year filled with hunky heartthrobs." The models all have that wholesome yet sexy farm look about them... like they'd say "aw, shucks, ma'am," at the drop of a hat... ::nods thoughtfully:: She'll like it...

Well, just before I was coming back to the table that Zinzi and I were using, I saw Roy, of all people! He was my inspiring professor of Medieval history... lordy, like three years ago! And he still remembered me! I was shocked! I put my things down over at the table really quickly (the "Studs 'n Spurs" calendar would have been too embarrassing) and then went over to where he was standing looking at the magazine rack. I asked him how things were going and if he and his wife had moved to Boone, NC yet. They haven't, but are still planning to eventually. He asked what I was doing, I told him I was still working on my BA in Medieval history and that I was there studying for a Latin test next week. He asked me what my future plans are, and I told him how I wanted to go on to grad school and get an MA in Medieval too. He remembered that I was interested in the early period without me even mentioning it (he actually remembered that, after three years! I couldn't believe it!), rather than the later one, and expressed what a shame it is that most of the emphasis is on the later period in the History part of academia, but that it will be interesting to see where the field goes in the next decade or so. "But," he said to me, "If you like it, stick with it," and that I should keep an open mind about what to do with it. And I told him that was the plan. He also mentioned that there's a much bigger interest in the early period in archaeology circles and that perhaps I should consider that. Roy is so great! I wished him well and went about my business and he did his... It was really nice to see him again.

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