Sunday, October 08, 2006

Deadlines are approaching...

Deadlines for papers, tests, etc... Not looking forward to them, do not want to dwell... Still procrastinating. Bad me! But still, there are deadlines...

Speaking of which, I have to get started on my holiday knitting very soon. I'm thinking of hats for my sisters. My little sister, Rachel (same name, yeah, spelled slightly differently...) is like obsessed with the tv show "Smallville" (and I kinda am too to be honest) and she just donated most of her hair to Locks of Love and had the rest cut in such a way that it looks kinda like Chloe, a character on the show, has her hair cut. Chloe's the kind of person who looks super-cute in adorable cold weather hats. So I thought, why not? They're short projects and shouldn't take too long to do... So I'm hoping to get at least two done to give to Rachel and Heather, my youngest sister, and maybe also another two for Lara and David. I'm thinking Topi from Knitty because it can be done in Peaches n' Cream, which I have on hand and can get started on right way... Or if I can get my hands on some Rowan Cashsoft DK (very yum!) and some beads, I'll do Odessa from MagKnits for the girls and a Topi for David... Or I'll do all of it if I get really lucky! I love spoiling my siblings during the holidays! They're all such sweethearts, so it's easy to do. I just need the circumference of their heads so I can size Topi properly... I hope they respond to my e-mail about favorite colors soon so I can start getting the projects on needles...

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