Thursday, November 23, 2006

Holy Shit!

I just found a gray hair... And it's not just gray, it's white! And... and a very wiry texture. :-( I don't like this... Just minding my own business, washing my hands at the bathroom sink and the light caught it so that I noticed it. Dried my hands and picked it up, and sure enough - white hair. It's as long as all the rest of my hair too, so I must have had it for awhile. If it's just the one, that's somewhat comforting, but still... wah...


  1. I have a bunch of those. They're wiry and stick up, and won't lie flat, and they're all on the left side of my head. Hello hair dye! I've always wanted to be a redhead. :P

  2. This one is wiry, but it's really long, like the rest of my hair, and it's on the underside near my right ear, so it doesn't stick up, thank goodness. My mom swears that it's a fluke and doesn't mean anything. As long as I don't find another one any time soon, I think I'll be able to keep myself from freaking out.

    I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  3. My mother says I got it from my father; apparently he started going gray fairly early, like late 20s. I also attribute some of it to the hellish Astronomy project I had to do a couple years ago. :P

    Yup! We were invited up to the neighbor's house; she had tons of good food, and we too dessert -- a pumpkin pie (from scratch including crust) and a butternut squash-cranberry pie (from scratch including crust). She got an organic turkey and had all kinds of nifty side dishes like mashed sweet potato with ginger.. and a cream of PEANUT soup. It was REALLY nice.. both the company AND the food. Was yours peaceful this year? You indicated your aunt wouldn't put up with any shennanigans this time around.

  4. That sounds like a really great dinner! This year it was much more peaceful. Thank goodness! My aunt really limited who was invited to dinner. The only non-family was a friend of my cousin's boyfriend who had no place to go for Thanksgiving. He seemed very nice but didn't talk much. Mostly watched football with the other guys. The Bucs lost the football game, so we were all kinda bummed about that, they being the home team. The food was alright. My cousins and aunts could use some cooking lessons from my mom, but she would say I'm being overly critical. I just think her Thanksgiving cooking is much better than theirs. My mom cooked all the traditional foods too so we wouldn't miss out on the leftovers at home. ;D So we'll be eating turkey sandwiches for the next week and she'll freeze some of it to have over the next few weeks for dinner. Honestly, it's one of my favorite parts of the season, eating leftover turkey. LOL!
