Friday, December 01, 2006

So he's "famous," is he?

I was recently in Latin class waiting for class to start, and my friend Mia was talking about the Next Big Thing concert, complaining about how expensive tickets are this year. (The ticket price is ridiculous... Who do they think goes to Next Big Thing? They're charging $60 for tickets, doubling last year's price! Surely, they don't realize that it's mostly poor college students and high schoolers? At least, that's what it looked like to me last year...) I mentioned that I was going to the concert because my brother, Josh, got me tickets and backstage passes. Knowing my last name, she kind of exclaimed in awe something to the effect of, "Your brother is Josh Stern! He's famous on the internet!" I laughed, in my head if not out loud. Totally news to me...

Went home, told my parents. They were quite amused too... Told Josh when I called him to double-check that I am on 30 Seconds to Mars' guestlist... (Totally excited! *Three* sets of tickets/backstage passes! Totally love my brother!) Josh was amused but couldn't fathom why he'd be famous on the internet. Well, I got curious and set out to find out just how it is that he's famous with punk music fans on the internet, since he's a pretty behind-the-scenes guy and really isn't into the groupies... They scare him... because groupies are scary... *Really* scary...

Found out some punk bands (at the very least, Good Charlotte) have really messed up fangirls. There are a few who have some very disturbing ideas about Josh. Will not go into details. It's too distrubing to repeat really and I skipped reading most of it... I don't feel like being traumatized today, thank you.

I did find that stupid girl in California who got backstage at a Good Charlotte concert by scamming the security guards into thinking that she was our cousin and that she'd lost her backstage pass in the crowd. She was bragging about it on some forum somewhere. That incident was not funny and it really pissed my brother off when he found out that she lied about that and it worked (and the rest of us were pissed too when he told us about it).

Will try to find out from Mia on Monday just how she found out about him to see if there's more than what I was able to find in five minutes of searching. Although, I'm not sure how much more
I want to know about...