Saturday, January 20, 2007

Good News about NAIS!

I am pleased to report that the great and sovereign States of Washington, Missouri, and Indiana and the Commonwealth of Virginia have all had legislation introduced in their state legislatures to prohibit their states from participating in NAIS in the last week or so. In all these case, the intent to stop the threat of NAIS is stated in no uncertain language which could allow the USDA or the state departments of agriculture to get around the laws. If you live in Washington, Missouri, Indiana or Virginia, you should write your state representatives to tell them to support any legislation which will stop NAIS in your state.

In Texas, legislation has also been introduced, but it is not as strong as it should be. For more information on it, see this post.

For more information on the others:


Missouri 1, 2.



If you live in Virginia, it is particularly important that you write your legislators NOW(!) because a public hearing concerning the Anti-NAIS legislation will be held on January 23, 2007. See this post for more information.

Also, for those in Michigan:

There will be a chance to stop the order that cattle ranchers participate in NAIS by March in Michigan. See this post for more information.

And for those who live in Kentucky, I do recommend that you write your state representatives post haste. They want to make NAIS mandatory in Kentucky very soon. For more information, see this post.

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