Saturday, January 27, 2007

A moment to crow...

I must take a moment to crow and announce that at one minute to midnight on Friday, I completed all of my homework assignments for Monday - all reading and written work done! WooHoo! ... ::sighs:: I can feel the kinks in my back loosening as I type. The pressure is not as hot as it was this morning. I feel like I'm whining 'cause pretty much everyone else I know has more to deal with on a daily basis than I do, but I'm pretty proud that I was able to read 41 pages of Cicero's political speeches (they are exceptionally boring) for Roman Lit class, and also decline/conjugate and memorize roughly 2 dozen Latin words and do the three assigned translation exercises in our Latin text... all on a *Friday.* I think this is the first time I've ever been able to make myself give that much of a Friday to homework, even when I have a paper due the next week. Usually I'm able to convince myself that I don't have enough homework to justify it until at least Saturday evening, no matter what kinds of headaches I give myself by Sunday night as a consequence. Could I be... learning... good study habits? Stranger things have been known to occur and time will tell.

Now, I'm going to watch "Psych" and hit the hay. Tomorrow, I'll dive head first into my work for Wednesday, staring with the 167 pages of The Commercial Revolution of the Middle Ages, 950-1350 by Robert Lopez. If I can get that done by Monday evening (when I'll have more yet-to-be-assigned homework to do for Tuesday), I just may be able to handle this semester with my sanity intact... and perhaps I'll be able to pick up my knitting needles before the end of this week. After almost a month with absolutely *no* time for knitting, and forget about anything else crafty, it's starting to get to me...

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