Tuesday, January 09, 2007

"Rome," Latin, and looking forward...

I am so looking forward to "Rome" this Sunday on HBO... even more so than I look forward to my birthday, which is tomorrow. I have class *all* *day* *long* tomorrow and will be at USF from about 11 am to 9pm with just enough time to eat lunch and dinner between classes. "Hectic" doesn't even begin to cover it.

Sunday though... Sunday is the day before MLK Jr. Day, so no school the next morning. I can watch and enjoy without guilt or worry about classes and studying, and I plan to do just that.

Was just taking a look at the historian's blog at the HBO's "Rome" website. He had some profound things to say about studying Latin. He talks about the first time he understood a line from Virgil's "Aeneid" in the original Latin without translating it, even in his head, and how special that realization was for him. I still look forward to my "first time" of totally understanding a piece of Latin poetry (or even something from our class textbook) without having to think twice about it. It is becoming more and more intuitive all the time though, so I have high hopes of getting there with time, effort and practice that I am most willing to give. But sometimes, I have to make myself go with the flow and not question it in the moment. When I question myself, I have a tendency to over-think and get things wrong. Did that on more than a few quizzes last semester...


  1. Happy almost birthday! Mine's next Monday.

  2. Thank you, thank you! ;D And Happy Almost-Birthday to you too! I might not be anywhere with a computer on Monday because my parents and I might be going out of town at the last minute this weekend, so I thought I should say it now in case I don't get to later.

  3. Aww.. thanks. :)
