Friday, February 09, 2007

So making this...

While waiting for my prescription to be filled at the CVS today, I came across a hot water bottle... Now, these are pretty common things and I always say, you know, a hot water bottle would be really useful right now, cause it's cold/my back hurts/etc. but I never have one and its never a convenient time to go out and get one... So I bought the one I found today. And it really is quite delightful. But I've decided, as I've been nursing tense muscles today, that it desperately needs a cosy. Never to buy something I could make, I've searched online for a pattern. Sure enough, there are a few out there. I've chosen this one for three reasons - 1.) I have the yarn and the needles, 2.) It has a cable... I love cables! and 3.) It's called "aka Rachael's Water Bottle Cosy" and the name's even spelled right... Will keep everyone posted on my progress. I also found this very cute cabled cosy, but since I don't have the yarn at the moment and it looks like might take longer to knit, I'll just keep it in mind for a future project.

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