Sunday, February 25, 2007

Two delightful discoveries...

I've made two delightful discoveries this weekend... completely unrelated, but delightful nonetheless...

1.) Swheat Scoop cat liter... This is great stuff... Made from wheat hulls, it's 100% biodegradable. Plus, it's totally flushable for septic and sewer systems. Dixie's liter box is now firmly ensconced in my bathroom with a scooper in a handy little holder, and a dust pan and brush to clean up what sticks to her feet... and due to it's location and the flushability of the liter, it will be much easier for lazy me to keep it clean.

2.) "Miss Potter" starring Renee Zellweger. This movie is utterly delightful! Totally charming! Very much like Beatrix's books and drawings... delightful and charming... I highly recommend it to everyone! I don't think I've seen Renee this good since "Cold Mountain," and possibly not even then. Her English accent has also improved since "Bridget Jones"... It's not perfect, but it's much improved. Oh, and Ewan McGreggor is in "Miss Potter" too... and he sings... Lovely, lovely movie... Beautiful countryside... Makes me want to move to England and buy myself a country farm there, but I'll content myself with this side of the Pond for now.

"Miss Potter" is currently in limited release, so it may not be showing where you live... I recommend going to and typing in your zip to find the nearest theater. Although, if is correct, it will be going into wide release across the country on March 9, 2007.

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