Thursday, March 15, 2007

::annoyed sound::

Okay... I've given "Smallville" a lot of leeway this season... It's been stupider than any previous season, something I didn't think possible considering the previous season, but I think they may have just crossed the line...

Lana is pregnant... with Lex's baby... has been since at least November when they told us about it, and by that time, she was already having morning sickness and fainting if she stood up too quickly, and she had indicated that she'd known for a while but just couldn't come to terms with it enough to tell anyone because she was freaking out (so more than likely at least in her second month by then, if not her third)... Don't know how much time is supposed to have passed in the show's timeline since then, but I think it's safe to assume it's been at least a few months (no way that they could have crammed the entire season since November into less than two months). But she hasn't started to show yet (which I find the least unbelievable thing that I'm listing here, and even so I find that pretty unbelievable), but since then they've had Lana get kidnapped, drugged, thrown down a flight of stairs and chased by a madman with a gun on more than one occasion... She's been in the hospital at least a half-dozen times. Through it all, the baby is perfectly healthy. Every time, I've thought there's no way that the baby could survive the stress, let alone the physical injury over and over again! And yet, it has (we were just shown a sonogram... and really, for a baby that size, she should be showing, but she's still her skinny little self. They aren't even putting her in baggy clothes or doing any of those other little tv tricks! Honestly! How are we supposed to suspend our disbelief if they won't meet us halfway, huh?).

As if all that's not unbelievable enough, they're sticking her in her wedding dress right now, and you know what? She's wearing a corset. And not one of those fake, couldn't-hold-anything-in-if-the-world-depended-on-it Fredrick's of Hollywood corsets. No, no - a real corset, with lots of rigid fabric and boning. Tightened so much she winced... a lot... think Keira Knightly in "Pirates." Not happy, "ow, that hurt!" wincing. ::sighs:: Yeah... I can't imagine that her doctor and the very overprotective, won't-let-her-do-*anything*-in-her-"delicate-condition" Lex would have agreed to this for the sake of fashion... and I can't imagine that the baby wouldn't protest just a *tiny* bit to that either... But whatever... This show is getting nuttier by the episode...

If it weren't for how amusing Chloe and Jimmy are, and Tom Welling's baby blues and biceps, and Michael Rosenbaum's all around hotness, I'd probably stop watching... I really just hate the writers and Lana... The rest of it is pretty good.

Oh, and Clark was being careless about his powers in not-secure places *again*. ::rolls eyes:: And they were sloppy with the editing for the first time that I've ever caught. They did the fake wind, blowing Chloe's hair and other little things as Clark ran out of the room at Super-speed, but we couldn't actually see Clark do that as we usually do. In one frame, he's there, and in the next, blink, he's gone.

Ah, well, I have faith that "Supernatural" will be better...

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