Sunday, March 18, 2007

Jared Leto was in town...

Jared and the rest of 30 Seconds to Mars was in town this week for "Taste of Chaos." They rock, I don't care what some people say. And Jared is still one of the prettiest men I've ever seen, even with a broken nose and half his face covered in a scraggly beard.

And I was there for this with Maria and Laura, and since I found the video, I'm posting it... We couldn't see nearly well enough, but we were there:

I love "The Kill." As you can tell, especially at the beginning, the lighting for the stage sucked, because that should be a lot more visible and it's not. As I've said before, the only band member I could see from my perch high up in the stands was Jared and he looked like an amorphous white object moving around the stage. I wonder at how good the sound is on the above video... very strange when the picture is so dodgy.

This is closer to what it looked like from where we were:

But here's what was up on the JumboTron:

The sound of the crowd doesn't show up well on the above video, when we were singing, but it was really loud...

A half-hour before that, I stood about 18 inches from him as he walked past me from their truck to the dressing rooms. Be still my fangirl heart... And the year before, I just have to reiterate, he held my hand steady while he signed my laminated back stage pass. That, of course, was even more exciting...

My friend Mia went to the show this last week... At least I'm pretty sure she said she was... I'll have to be sure to ask her how it was when I see her in class tomorrow...

Boo-hoo, Spring Break is over...

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