Saturday, March 24, 2007

Yeah, yeah, my obsession continues...






Watched the ep of Supernatural that I missed Thursday, "Heart"... Now, I'm watching "Tall Tales" - the funny episode of the season - because "Heart" is a total bummer. More torture for Sammy's battered little psyche and through him for Dean too... Totally sucks to be them. It started out all fun, "yay! we're going to get to kill a werewolf!" and went seriously downhill from there. Totally a wow!-I-can't-believe-Kripke-just-did-that episode. (Kripke is the creator and executive producer of the show.) Sam falls hard and fast for this girl, Madison, and she for him, only they very soon figure out that she's one of the werewolves that they are in town to kill. They think they figure out a way to cure her, execute the plan, and at first it seems to have worked. Sam relaxes a bit, falls even more in love with her and after all day in bed with her, he wakes up to find her - in werewolf form - climbing out her bedroom window, off to kill some innocent people. Sam's frantic. When they track her down the next day, she's freaked because obviously the cure didn't work. And at that point they were out of options. So she begs Sam to kill her, which very reluctantly, he does, even though Dean begs him to let him do it instead so that Sam won't have that weighing down on him. It's a hard couple of scenes to watch. I could totally have killed Madison myself for asking that of Sam - she only knew him for a few days after all, and she has *no idea* what killing her is probably going to do to him now, and she really should have done it herself before asking that of Sam. Some spectacular acting on the part of everyone involved though. Seriously, seriously spectacular.

the only amusing scenes in the whole ep:

And here's the omg final scenes:

Weird thing is that next week's ep looks like another funny one... At least, I don't see how they could possibly make it serious... But unless weeks and maybe months have passed between this one and next week's, I don't see how Sam will be able to get over the events that transpired in "Heart" that quickly. I don't think I've ever seen someone in so much emotional turmoil on tv ever as in that last scene, which is even more serious if you watch the show and you know everything that was behind *all* of that... Now, Dean will just bury it somewhere in the back of his mind, like he does everything else... He doesn't talk much, at the very least not while the wounds are still fresh... Sam had to practically pull teeth to get Dean to talk about their Dad's death at the beginning of Season 2, and then it still took like a dozen episodes for Dean to tell him what their Dad had said to him just before he dropped dead... and even that was only because he was so incredibly scared by the manifestations of more weird powers in Sammy. Huge, unhealthy problem there, this not talking and burying psychological issues - but still, Dean could believably go from total devastation to fun times in a week. Plus, in this case, he's mostly upset cause his little bro got so hurt over what happened. Sammy on the other hand... he should have some issues from this...

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