Tuesday, April 03, 2007

John Bolton is a moron...

John Bolton is a moron... I know, I know... those of us who paid attention knew this before, but... He's reached a whole new level in my book... Here is why... He was on The Daily Show yesterday evening. John was contrasting Bush and the people he's chosen for his cabinet positions (all people who agree or seem to agree with everything he says, no matter how wrong or nutz it is) with Lincoln and his cabinet (comprised of men who were supposedly competent, but did not necessarily agree with him and weren't afraid to say so - documented ever so nicely in Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin). John Bolton said an I quote: "I think you're historically wrong on Lincoln." John questioned him on this point, and Bolton said... Well, really it's just better to hear it come out of the idiot's mouth himself:

I'm surprised Bolton is now without a real job... He looks like a "Loyal Bushie" to me...

I also must share this brilliant video of the Daily Show's report about cloned animals for meat:

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