Saturday, April 21, 2007

List of crafty things to do in early Summer...

In no particular order, these are the things I need to do:

- Continue working on getting the dye plant garden going... Plant zinnias and cosmos asap! And I need to get some dyers' chamomile...

- Work on getting the koi pond actually working so we can at least think about getting fish...

- Make Dashing mitts for Zinzi's b-day/going to grad school present...

- Make another Odessa hat, this one for Susan's friend, who has been diagnosed with cancer.

- Assess how much undyed handspun I have and divide it up according to how much dyestuffs I have...

- Dye a batch of wool with marigolds...

- Set a vat of indigo to fermenting...

- Dye with indigo...

- Make soap with Maria-Carmen...

- Spin more of my wool stash!

- Make my knitted "Bene Lava" bath mat out of sisal or jute twine and a couple of dowels... It's based on this mosaic fake-mat from a bath house in Pompii:

Bene Lava means "Wash Well!" in Latin. I think it would be cute outside a shower or something...

- I need to at least *try* really hard to get paint and start on the mural in my bathroom... It's inspired by Santorini, Greece:

I have not been there, but as you can see, it looks like a lovely place to go... The sketch for this has been on the bathroom walls going on two full years and I have yet to do anything except lay down the blue base...

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