Thursday, May 17, 2007

"Supernatural" - carry on my wayward sons...

OMG! I just spent the last hour alternating between crying, being too shocked to cry, crying some more, and screaming into a pillow. "Supernatural" was... amazing and horrible all at once.

And after the "Smallville" finale where Lana's supposed to be dead now (but we really aren't that lucky), we finally figured out what Chloe's "power" was (and you might as well just say, it's not really a power, it's a stupid plot device that makes me hate the writers and producers of the show because they are asses who had this planned from the beginning, I know it), and well, everything's going to Hell in a hand-basket, but not like previous years where it made me want to watch in the Fall... I'm fairly certain this time, I'm going to yawn and change the channel when "Smallville" comes on...

As if all that ridiculously disappointing tripe in "Smallville," a show I *used to* love, just before the wild-ride "Supernatural" took me on weren't bad enough, my DVRs in both the den and the living room *both* simultaneously failed to start recording "Supernatural." This is the third time they've done this and I can't for the life of me figure out why because "Supernatural" is supposed to have top priority and the DVRs don't do it every week, just when something really important is happening... The first time was with "In My Time of Dying," the season 2 premiere, the second was "Heart," which admittedly was so traumatic that I only watched it all the way through once, and the third was tonight, "All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two." Holy flying cows! But after scrambling for the first five minutes of the episode to get both of them recording (because I have to have a back-up, just in case... yeah, I'm that in love with Dean Winchester... and even now, I wouldn't kick Sam out of bed either... although he probably wouldn't fit - he's 6'5"! For pity's sake, what did Jared Padalecki's parents feed him? Miracle Grow?), I rewound and watched and caught up by the second commercial break.

It was incredible. I... I... was speechless... I was literally a total crying mess, and sometimes, there were no tears, just sobs. I never understood how people can sob without tears being directly involved, but now, I do... I also never really understood the expression "my heart was in my throat," but now I do because that's exactly what it felt like... 'Cause all Hell really did break loose all over Sam and Dean. And Dean... what he's done now... It's... It's... It's what Dean would totally do, but man-oh-man, next season is going to be a wild roller-coaster of mythology, I can see it already. It's so not good for my boys! And yet, it's going to make for one hell of a season of tv! We're talking the equivalent of the best of "The X-Files" all packed into one 22 episode season, I think... if they're going to go where I think they're going to go because that's certainly how they've set it up.

If you've never seen "Supernatural," 1.) you have no idea what I'm talking about and I'm sure you probably haven't even gotten this far reading this, but that's okay... and 2.) I totally recommend going out and getting your hands on Season One (check ebay and's merchants if you don't want to pay almost $50 for it, I got mine on Amazon for a little more than $30 including shipping... and if you've got Netflix or that Blockbuster thing - there you go!), watch it, love it, and then get your hands on Season Two as soon as it's released, which might not be for a few months yet, I don't know.... It is an *amazing* series and everyone should watch it! It's the best thing I've seen on television in a long, long time, and with as much as I watch, that really should be saying something...

People who are fans of "Supernatural" and know about the other WB show "Charmed" have been really nervous about this season finale because there was a season finale of "Charmed" with the same title, "All Hell Breaks Loose," and that's where one of the characters dies tragically. People have been thinking that the same thing would happen in "Supernatural." They were both wrong and right about that...

Am still totally freaking out and incoherent about this episode... It's going to take a week to process it all... But I'm going to have faith that it will all be alright in the end because 1.) Kripke (the creator/executive producer/writer/director promised that we, the fans, have no need to worry, and I feel I can trust him more than most Powers That Be when he says that, and if not, well, there's always Plastic!Winchester Theater, and... this amused me:

and 2.) Dean's still smiling... ::warm fuzzies::

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