Sunday, June 17, 2007

Last post before vacation...

Well, I might be incommunicado for the next two weeks or so... Not sure yet. I hope to be leaving or have already left the house in 7 hours. I've been packing. I'm as done as I'm going to get tonight. There's nothing else that can be packed until later this morning.

While packing, I've been watching reruns of "Heroes" on my DVR. I've just finished with the season finale... I've noticed something about hour-long dramas lately... Guys cry more... like men are shown with tears streaming down their faces far more often than I think they used to be... Not that I'm complaining... Far be it from me to complain about such a thing... I just think it's quite interesting, if it is indeed true. I'm wondering if it's a side effect of all the emo-ness in pop culture of late... hmmm...


  1. Have a safe trip and lots of fun! :)

  2. Thanks, Ilana! So far so good... I've got internet access for about 5 minutes or so here in rural SC so this will probably be the only thing I can say until at least later in the week... ;D
