Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What I've been spinning...

Well, the tendenitis is back. It's kinda hard to type actually, but I'm going to post this at least. These are pictures of the yarn I've just spun and plied with the purple Corriedale-mohair blend roving I bought at Yarns, Etc. in Greensboro last December. The color doesn't come through true in them. It's really a grape flavored Dimetapp kind of purple, on the bright side, with little bits of pink and navy in there to make it a little tweed-like. I'll try to take pictures in natural light tomorrow to see if that captures it better. And I'll have to do up a swatch soon to see what the gauge is... I think it's pretty close to the Corriedale that I've spun before in which case it will be something like 19 sts = 4" on size 4 needles, but it might actually be a little thinner than that... I'll have to see.


  1. That looks really, really good, and it's a lovely color. What do you mean, "woefully inadequate"?!

  2. Well, thank you! ;D "Woefully inadequate" compared to the ladies over at SpinningFibers on lj because despite the fact that the yarn looks pretty even in the pictures, it's actually got quite a bit of variation in thickness, and the ladies over on that LJ have handspun yarn so uniform it looks like it was spun by a machine... For example, this shockingly amazing stuff: I'm totally floored by that white alpaca...

  3. Did you use your drop spindle or your wheel? Yeah! I took a look at their wheel reviews yesterday; the content seems pretty impressive, both in breadth and depth. Definitely a resource worth bookmarking.

  4. I used my wheel. I wanted to get it done quickly.

    Yeah, I definitely want to keep tabs on that lj community...
