Friday, August 10, 2007

Sophia Autumn

or "Sophie" as we're all going to call her...

She was born August 8th at about 4:10pm. She's 7 lbs, 3 oz. and is 19 inches long. These camera phone pictures are the only ones that I can upload at the moment. There will be more when I get home and get the film developed next week, but for now, these will have to suffice...

Lara and Sophie are both doing very well. Sophie has a voracious appetite and the cutest little face and hands and feet and... well, you get the picture... We're all totally in love with her, as if there was any doubt. She's a very good baby and hardly ever cries.


  1. Mazel tov and many felicitations on the new niece!

    Sorry I've been so bad about keeping in touch; things have calmed down considerably now that the CATF thing is over. I hope all is well with you and your family and that the new semester is full of challenges and delights. Take care! *wavewavewave*

  2. Thank you, Ilana!! ;D

    Things have been quite busy with me as well. I've only had very limited access to computers most of the time for the past several months, so I've been very bad about keeping in touch as well, as I'm sure you've noticed, so believe me, I understand.

    The new semester doesn't start for several weeks yet, thank goodness because I'm not nearly prepared yet.

    You take care as well, and sometime in the next week or so I'll have enough leisure time to sit down and properly read your latest blog updates, etc. ::waves back:: ;D
