Tuesday, September 18, 2007

No, but really...

First, watch this video on the Spanish-language Democratic debate from last week, if it's still available:


I still adore Kucinich... Jon couldn't come up with anything to do to him, so their tech department put a Carmine Miranda hat on his wife... That's awesome...

Bill, Barack and Hillary have all lost some of my respect. Richardson for pandering, Barack for pandering, neither any more than usual though, but still - disappointing... And Hillary for *really* pandering... Saying that she doesn't support the immigration reform bill that has been proposed because it "would have criminalized the Good Samaratan. It would have criminalized Jesus Christ." Uh... wtf? As Jon says, "imagine the world today if Jesus Christ had been found guilty of some sort of crime. I mean, if that had happened, man, they would have crucified that guy." Seriously...

Hillary, dear, can you hear yourself? Please tell me that's the problem and you just didn't hear what it was that you were saying? That you didn't pander that blatantly to an overwhelmingly Catholic demographic by invoking Jesus? Tell me that you didn't pander that blatantly to a portion of that demographic that has broken US laws - laws that you have sworn to uphold as a US Senator - to get into and stay in the United States, and not even in a time of extreme crisis - something my great-grandmother and her family didn't even do, though their need to escape Russia was dire, the threat of murder, rape and destruction of property with no legal recourse a daily reality that they lived with until they were able to come here in full compliance with US law. To allow anyone to flout our immigration laws dishonors everyone who has ever gone to the considerable trouble to immigrate to the United States legally. Every legal immigrant and naturalized citizen I have ever talked to about this, including ones from Mexico and Cuba, have been just as outraged as I am by people who have violated US immigration law with impunity. It has got to stop, Hillary. Illegal immigrants are not voting for you! Stop pandering to them!

Hillary has, very sadly, lost any respect I might have still had for her. I can tell you that much right now. ::shakes head::

Still, thumbs up for Kucinich.

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