Sunday, October 14, 2007

A ludite can be excited about a new phone, right?

Especially if the old phone was almost 4 years old and was no longer functioning due to circuits burning out?

::squee:: I got a Treo!! It's not the same one that Sam had in Season 2 of Supernatural; it's the next model up, but still - a Treo! A Treo wx700 to be exact... With a camera and Windows and a calendar and unlimited wireless internet and texting... I just have to figure out how to use the punctuation and we're all set. It's so cool! It's like a laptop, but smaller and a bit cheaper with a built in phone and camera... And the stylus is a really nice metal one, not a plastic one. Some of the ones they had at the store had a plastic stylus and I thought, you know, I bet those will break.

And now there won't be a minute of the day that I can't check my e-mail and favorite websites...

This might be dangerous...


  1. Mazel tov and many felicitations on the new baby! :P I hope he lives a long, productive life.

  2. :D Thank you! I quite like it so far... although, my overzealous websurfing almost filled up the memory in less than a day - too many programs running and too many webpages at the same time - and I had issues fixing that... but that's okay. I'm sure once the newness wears off, I won't do things like that anymore...
