Friday, November 16, 2007

The Conclusion to the "WTF!?!?!" Saga...

Well, got word from my prof. He says that he doesn't approve of the way I used that source he wanted to check... and despite the fact that he said we only needed to use 4 or 5 sources, and I used 4, he says I have too few sources... but he goes on to say, "Nevertheless, you show that you understand the point of the paper and the nature of historiography, so your grade for the paper is 'C.'" Well, that's nice... I got a "C" and I'm not an asshole, so I've got something on him, don't I?... And even so, all I need to get on all my work in this class is a "C" or better in order to pass, so ultimately I'm fine with it.


  1. *chomps ankle of jerky fool* Well.. at least you passed. That must be a great relief.

  2. Yes, it *is* a great relief. I'm pretty much just counting down the days at this point and saying to Hell with him...
