Saturday, December 08, 2007


I can't believe that the semester is over... I probably have to take the Latin final on Wednesday, but I'm pretty much done. I really can't believe it. It just hasn't hit me yet.

I've been able to work on a few things. I've spun some with my drop spindles and knit a few gifts... I sewed one or two others very quickly... Haven't had much time for shopping or sending cards... I've barely remembered to light the menorah all week, naughty me...

So busy...

There will be pictures as soon as I can take them and transfer them to my computer.

Happy holidays, everyone! ::hugs::


  1. I'm so sorry I've been so bad about keeping in touch! I hope your holidays went well and that your end of semester went well, and that you're getting time to relax before plunging into the maelstrom that is graduate school and the not-quite-real world. I wish you lots of luck. :) And a very belated happy holiday/new year.

  2. That's okay! And thank you! I was out of town and mostly away from computer access until this evening, so I've been just as remiss, if not more! Happy holidays/new year much belated to you and your family as well!

    Just got home not very long ago and am checking e-mail right now, so there will probably be a real post soon (I hope). Thanks for checking in! I hope your holidays, etc. were wonderful too.
