Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Indigo Vat...

I'm finally starting an indigo vat... Yay!!

I'm using the Indigo-Yeast-Ammonia Fermentation Method from EarthGuild (#3 at the bottom), which is where I got the indigo...

It gives instructions for fermenting a small amount of indigo (only one gallon of solution), which I thought was good to start with. I'm using a glass Anchor crock from Walmart (Anchor is one of my favorite glass companies - made in the USA and based in St. Pete, just across the bay from me; the company was a corporate sponsor of the school my dad worked at for 35+ years). They make a high quality, heavy glassware. I like it...

So far, I've got the yeast doing its thing in one Mason jar and the indigo and ammonia in another, both now sacrificed to the gods of dyeing. As soon as that stage is done in about an hour and a half, it's into the crock they go, where more water will be added and then it will all be left to sit and ferment...

Will keep posting about the progress...


  1. I will definitely be keeping an eye on your progress through this. It's so exciting!

    Odd. I've never even watched Supernatural, but I went ahead and took the quiz, and I got the same result you did. How odd...! :P

  2. It is exciting! I'll be sure to post pictures when it starts changing color... Right now it looks like a dark blue, but if the jar is back-lit just right it's a very dark green... The instructions say it will be yellow when it's done and that if it seems to not be working or taking too long, I should add more sugar and then, if it still doesn't do anything, more sugar and more yeast... So we'll see... it's only been going about 18 hours now, so obviously not long enough. But I'm terribly impatient.

    LOL! I'm going to fan-girl for a second... Sorry... You should totally watch Supernatural! Then you will see why Dean would make an awesome TV Boyfriend. Of course, the show is already in its third season, so there's lots of back story behind what's going on now, and due to the writers' strike, there's only 4 new episodes left to air this season... But unless the strike is resolved before the end of February, there won't be any new episodes until the fall at the earliest. :( But that does give time for people who are just jumping into it to catch up on the story. This week's episode is called "Malleus Maleficarum" and is, I think, about witches, a la "The Craft", getting up to things they shouldn't be... This is the first time they've had anything about witches on the show. Most of the time they deal with magical-type things, it's Hoodoo/Voodoo/Voodun-type things and not Wicca... I'm not even sure that's what they're doing this time though because I don't read spoilers and all I've got to go on is the episode title and the short preview (which you can see if you scroll to the footer at the bottom of my blog and click the little play button on the Supernatural ad I've got there). There are also episodes on that you can watch if you'd like to take a quick look while you're sitting at your computer. If you do tune in, just to see what Dean's all about, there's a few things that might help. Sam and Dean are the main characters. They're bothers and they were raised by their father to hunt demons/ghosts/monsters/other assorted baddies. At the end of the last season, Dean sold his soul to a Crossroads Demon to save Sam's life and has one year before the Hell Hounds will come to drag him off to the pit. This problem kinda frames this whole season. There's also a question as to whether or not Sam is going dark-side, so to speak, and there is a demon, named Ruby (who you can see standing in front of the car on the Supernatural ad when it's not playing), who is dangling the possibility of being able to save Dean in front of Sam's nose like the perverbial carrot to get him to go along with her. Sam and Dean don't trust her and only Sam has ever seen her, but still, he won't kill her or send her back to Hell because he wants to save Dean and he's not sure how he's going to do it.

  3. That sounds like a truly tangled web! We actually had to read a couple excerpts from Malleus Malificarum in History of Women In Europe.. I don't remember much about it, except that I wanted to throttle the men who wrote it for their silliness, but it's a product of the time in which it was written. Mmmph.
    Does Supernatural run on cable or is it on a normal network? We have little bunny ears and usually just get PBS and NBC... not exactly deprivation, but when PBS hits its pledge drive stride, things go downhill.

    Is this the stuff you'll have to pour back and forth to get it to oxidize?

  4. It is complicated... But, I think, very entertaining. A lot of the producers/writers/directors of Supernatural were also involved in The X-Files... It's the same kind of quality television sci-fi drama.

    Yeah, I was looking up stuff the Malleus Malificarum. Apparently, it's been transcribed somewhere on the 'net. And I totally agree with you. Idiots, but they were obviously a product of their time. I think in this case with Supernatural, the witches that will be involved in this episode are not Wiccans or in any way related to Wiccan ideas. But rather they seem to be the exact realization of the witches talked about in the Malleus Maleficarum. See, hundreds of demons have broken out of Hell in Season 3 of Supernatural and they are possessing people left and right and corrupting anyone they can and generally wrecking havoc. There aren't many people who know about them and few know how to fight them. Sam and Dean just happen to be two who do and are. They have a few friends who come in and out of the story line, but we are given the impression that there are at least several dozen men and women in North America alone who kill demons. Not that many against hundreds of demons, but you gotta make the stakes high on a show like this for the drama and suspense. LOL!

    Supernatural is not on cable, but the CW isn't available in all areas apparently. It's a combination of UPN and the WB. Warner Brothers Entertainment bought UPN two years ago and then combined it with their already existing network, the WB, to create the CW. I don't know why. But if you go here: and put in your zip code, it should tell you what all the available broadcast station channels are in your area. And full episodes can also been seen on the CW website, at . And the first two seasons are available on DVD.

    As far as I know, I'm just supposed to let it sit because the goal is to get all the oxygen out of the vat to turn the water into something else so the indigo will dissolve and change and be able to dye things. The instructions even warn that when I pull things out of the dye bath, I mustn't let the liquid drip out of the yarn and back into the dye bath or it will ruin the vat and I'll have to wait until it ferments again.
