Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mmmm... endorphins...

So I've decided that it's time for me to get out there and exercise again. It's been well over a year since I've done anything significant because school had been kicking my butt. My weight got kinda ridiculous around November or so... but most of that stress-eating-induced increase has gone away by itself, as it tends to do with me. Still, horribly out of shape...

And there's no excuse now that I've graduated, so yesterday, I got on my bike and rode about a mile or so... just to see how that would go. It was nothing... So today, I got a little bit ambitious. I rode my old 3-mile route. Oy! When I got off the bike a minute ago, it felt the same as when I got off my friend Maria's horse last year after not riding one of those in 5 years... although at least this time, my legs held me up and I didn't fall all the way to the ground on spaghetti legs, giggling madly from the endorphin high (Sky [her horse] was so good not to step on me). Still, a bit dizzy and endorphin rush and that last half mile, woah! kicked. my. butt. let me tell you!

Still, it's a good little 3-mile route. Better than I remembered it being. I'm going to have to start going out a little earlier than this though because toward the end mosquitoes come out. And when I get a basket for my bike, I'll be able to stop my the Bearss Groves market sometimes for produce half way through. (YAY!) I already have a nice little shady park-like place to stop and do stretches at the half way point. And let me tell you, that helps so much in preventing sore muscles the next day.

But the biggest reason of all that I'm doing this right now is because I want to look better than I do now for my pictures with Jared Padalecki and other Supernatural stars at EyeCon in April. Fangirl? Me? Why, yes! Thank you for noticing!

Now, the big question will be if I can stand to not only ride my bike 3-miles at least three times a week for the next 6 weeks, but if I can also bring myself to do the 90-minute NYC Ballet workout DVD routine I've got at least twice a week... (I used to do it 4 times a week, but then I didn't have a bike.) There will also be regular gardening chores, beginning this Saturday because it is Spring planting time.

Oh, my. That's a lot. :D This is gonna be a good challenge...

Wish me luck!

... Okay, now I feel like I could ride another 3-miles... but I can't... stupid mosquitoes... oh, endorphins...


  1. Oooh.. sounds like you'll have your hands full there! I used to do yoga for about 45 minutes a day and walk a couple miles on the treadmill. I'm so out of shape now it's disgusting; I totally sympathize. I don't want to be a broomstick, but... yeah. I sympathize.

  2. Yeah, how I'll find time for crafts in there, I'm not sure, but we'll see how it goes...

    Oooohhh! A treadmill?! We used to have one of those, but it broke. What I wouldn't give for one of those now...

    Yes, thank you, I sympathize as well... it's so easy to get out of shape these days...

  3. do endorphins do to you at all what they do to me? they are the reason i have to be careful exercising. they make me nauseous if i even think about eating, for hours afterwards. and thirsty, so i drink alot of water, and don't eat, which is why i tend to peel off the weight literally in layers in only a few days or weeks.

    right now i don't care 'cuz same reason as you --wanna look good for PIX. and butt is HUGE. i've lost about 22 lbs. since I weighed myself at Snee's. i have about 10 more to go.

    hysterically, this time? my boobs aren't shrinking. hee.

    i can't wait until you make those HATS. they are gonna be such a hit with the guys. CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THEIR LITTLE EYES LIGHT UP!! I bet you'll even get a hug from Jensen, yeas. and yeah, we'll go by Yarns, Etc. when you get here. looking forward to eet!

  4. I don't think endorphins do to me what they do to you... If I felt at all nauseous, I would hate exercising altogether because there's nothing I hate more than feeling like I'm going to puke. I've heard that some people actually do puke when they exercise too much at one time... like Colin Farrell did in the movie SWAT. I'm pretty sure that was actually him puking his guts up on the beach.

    I usually don't eat for at least an hour before or after I exercise because I read somewhere that it's bad for the digestion to eat immediately before or after. And I make sure I drink lots of water, just because I've been dehydrated before, and it sucks... in fact, being dehydrated makes me nauseous.

    I thought you weren't supposed to look at scales at all... And where on earth on you could you find 32 lbs to lose?

    You butt is not huge! Even after 5 children, it's not huge. In fact, your butt has never been huge. It just hasn't. So don't worry about your butt. Especially since Jason hasn't complained... has he? LOL!

    Boobs not shrinking is always a nice thing...

    And I'm SO looking forward to making those hats! The only thing is that they aren't going to be done by the time we go to the Con and even if they were, Jensen will not be there, so there will be no hug. :( Unless we go up to Vancouver after they've started shooting again and stalk them on the set. Now, that just might be an idea for August... They'll be filming in August, right?

    Yay!! for Yarns, Etc. I've written Tina twice now about the roving and I've gotten no response... I hope everything's alright up there.
