Friday, March 28, 2008

Sandy McCoy interview...

Sandy McCoy is quite possibly the most adorable human being on the planet! I want to have lunch with her at some cute sidewalk bistro somewhere and go shopping afterward. OMG!

(Beware that there are spoilers in the interview about season 3 of Supernatural [but only about episodes that have already aired in the US])

Interview can be seen here

*flails as I read the interview*

Also, I so know what her and Jared's "secret" is... I think... I'm 99.999% sure anyway... and will be completely shocked if I'm wrong...

EDIT March 29, 2:20 AM: There is a SPOILER-FREE continuation of the interview here. I flail... full-on... for example, at this:

[Question:] Captain Kirk vs Captain Jack Sparrow

[Sandy:] (She gasps) God! I’m a huge Johnny Depp lover, there’s no contest. Okay, maybe against Jean Luc Picard, because I did love Star Trek: The Next Generation but not Captain Kirk. That would be a toss up, because I love Patrick Stewart also, so that’s where the contest would lie, but Captain Jack Sparrow would still definitely win. How do you not look at him and be in awe. And not just because of his physical appearance, oh gosh, he’s not human. He can’t be. Johnny Depp cannot be human, so he’d win and I’d like to go on record saying that. Even Jared has a man crush on him. He’s great.

Also there is a link to the music video she's in right now... Yes, that's her, the first person you see when it starts playing...


  1. P.S. I will not listen to spoilers. I will not listen to spoilers. I will not listen to spoilers. :P
