Monday, March 03, 2008

Waaaahooo!!! and a *sigh of relief*

Ahem (copied from Team Winchester):

Someone out there loves us...

The CW has announced Supernatural will return with season 4 this fall!

Some quotes:

"First things first -- Supernatural is back! You had us worried there for awhile, CW, what with taking it off the schedule for long periods of time and not promoting it as much as we'd like. But you seem to have realized what a gem you have on your hands, and we're beyond psyched that we'll get a fourth season."- CW Source

"Yes, fans of the Winchester brothers, who are always wary that Supernatural is on the verge of cancellation, can finally breathe a sigh of relief. The network announced that all of these shows are essential to the network's identity and pull in solid ratings, especially among the important demographic of women 18-34."- BuddyTV

"The CW today announced its batch of early pickups for this fall's season, and Supernatural--about a pair of brothers who hunt demons across the country--was one of six shows that has been cleared to return by the network."-


  1. So, does this mean I can stop sacrificing marshmallow peeps now? :p

  2. LOL! Only if you want to, dear, only if you want to. ;D

  3. JUST finished watching the finale for season 1. I very nearly shrieked, "Noooooooo...!" at the cliffhanger. This means I really, really need to hie myself to Target (with a French accent, of course) and snag season 2. And I'll continue with the marshmallow peeps, 'cause I REALLY want them to stick around for a good long while. :P Seriously. I really do hope it stays. Thank you for corrupting me. *hug*

  4. Yay!!!!!! *runs around the living room for joy* I'm *so* glad you loved it! Yay!!! You are SO welcome! :D *hugs* Corruption is fun!

    Be very glad that you don't have to wait through 4 months of summer before seeing what happens next! LOL! 'Cause that's rather killer... Season 2 is my favorite season so far, so I'm very excited to share that will you...

    Season 3 won't be out on DVD until August or early September probably... Although they might release it early due to the WGA Strike trunicating the season... We'll see...

    Yes, hie you to Target (with a French accent)! (LOL!) ... You might want to call them ahead of time to make sure that they have a copy. While personally I've never experienced this myself, I know there have been some frustrated people who have not been able to find copies locally in rural areas, and if that's the case for you, you'll save the gas and you can get it from

    Yay!!!! :D

  5. Yes. I'm all about saving gas. Especially since the nearest Target-with-a-French-accent is 45 minutes away! I worship at the altar of Amazon.... ooooh.. that sounds so sinister. :P

    I'm not sure what my favorite episode was so far, but I think Dead Man's Blood is high on the list of possibles. I sort of chuckled over the notion of generations of hunters roaming about on horseback to rid the world of the evil things that go bump in the night. Surely there are good things that go bump, too, though that doesn't make quite as good a story as Mr. Yellow Eyes and his family. Nisse and Domovoi aren't malevolent, though they can make nuissances of themselves if not given the proper attention (am I getting pedantic yet?) and respect. I keep hoping they'll run into a Rusalka, though, 'cause that would just be cool. Okay.. I'll quit babbling now and put my books away. :P

  6. LOL! Sinister... Amazon rocks! Yes! :D

    Dead Man's Blood is a really good one! I enjoy it a lot... And you get to see the family dynamic really well for the first time in that ep. Not all of the family dynamic, but parts of it.

    They've actually kicked around the idea of doing a spin off series about hunters in the 1830s... the studio won't go for it yet, but Kripke's quite keen to do a spin off with Samuel Colt and a badass-cowboy-hunter. I think it could be pretty cool!

    Yes, the YED and his family... They are lots o' fun! (As you saw, and will see again...)

    It would be nice if they'd go into the Scandinavian and Eastern European stuff more than they do... Perhaps they will eventually... I certainly hope so. My biological mother, Susan, actually has an idea for a script that I can't give the details of yet (at least not in a place anyone can read it like here) because she's writing it up and sending it in, which deals with a Russian bit of lore... also, I would have to give you season 3 spoilers in order to explain it, so I won't. :D

    They probably won't ever do anything with a Rusalka though. One of the writers said that they just think anything even remotely succubus-like would be cheesy... I don't agree, but that's where their heads are at right now.

  7. They already *did*! The sillies. The Woman In White thingie sort of was, it being that she drowned and killed men for being potentially unfaithful. I guess you can only do that so many times before it gets old. But who am I to argue with the Powers That Be? :P As much as I've never gone in for fan-fic... Nah.. I'll leave that to people who are better qualified.

    I was a little disappointed that the lady (whose name escapes me at this precise moment) never reappeared. You know.. the psychic who helps them clear out the family homestead? Idaho.. Illinois.. Indiana.. no, that was George Sand.. *sigh* I can't for the life of me remember her name without looking it up, but I know you know who I mean. I'm so senile!

  8. You've got a point there. Though, technically, I guess a Woman in White isn't quite the same thing, since it doesn't matter how the Woman in White dies, just that she did by her own hand after killing her children because her husband was unfaithful...

    Missouri! I know! Everyone loved her. She threatened to whack Dean with a spoon! Teehee! *glee* We might eventually see her again. It's not out of the question.

    Yeah, *lots* of fanfic sucks, I'll give you that... Though there's some good Supernatural stuff out there. Actually, it's probably one of the highest quality fandoms out there for fic, if you know where to find the good stuff.
