Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Today was the greatest day of them all...

Okay, so maybe not, but that line from the Smashing Pumpkins song just went through my head when I was trying to think of a title for this post.


Today was AWESOME! Just so you know...

I got to class. A major plus. Afterward I got together with Stacey and we went to the College of Education and got info on their Masters of Arts in Teaching programs in the fields we're interested in. It would be so amazing if she and I get to go through the MAT program together! I think neither of us would feel so alone doing that if we have each other.

After that, we got together with Mia for lunch in the Marshall Center (which is the Student Union), and very soon Chelsea joined us. I was so happy because I haven't seen any of them in months! Even though all of us, with the exception of Stacey, go to school there and are on campus just about everyday. You'd think we would see each other more, but no, we are all so freaking busy and our schedules completely conflict. So YAY!!! we had lunch, then went to the mall to get boba and chocolate (which might be why I'm so hyper now because chocolate turned into chocolate + candy and I's on a SUGAR HIGH right nao), and then Stacey had to head home so we said goodbye to her and then the rest of us headed to the used bookstore near school and moar fun tiemz ensued.

Came home, got my presents from Ilana, and finished Jensen's hat! YAY!!!! *runz arowwnd liek a crazy* (I told you - sugar LOL! *facepalm*) It only took me three days from when I cast on the stitches on Saturday...

Oh, and I has pikturez... Thank God for camera phones, 'cuz I still don't have the computer cable for my digital.

Looks way better on than it does not...

Yes, that is LOST on my tv in the background...

And the other side...

Has a neat little decreased top, it does... See the nice pattern:

And from the front... :D Tha's me...

This hat is so comfy. In my hands, it feels like it might be itchy because the wool is tough, not silky, but then when I put it on, it only feels warm and cosy, not at all itchy, not even on my ears. And if it's not itchy on me, I don't think anyone would find it so.

It's made out of 70% Corriedale wool and 30% mohair, handspun 2-ply that I made from roving from Yarns, Etc. in Greensboro. The hat pattern is the Cashmere Rib Hat by Jessica at Fig & Plum.


  1. That's a gorgeous piece of knitting. :D You have, I think, what they call a hat face; you're one of those people who can probably wear a paper sack scrunched on top of your head and look fabulous. LUCKY! And Mr. Jensen is lucky, 'cause hats is mahvelous, especially hand knit ones. :P

  2. Thank you!! *squeals with delight*

    I actually don't have a hat face, at least I don't think so. It was just very fortunate angles I was taking pictures at last night. But thank you all the same.

    LOL! Yes, I hope he likes it. all sources on such things claim that Jensen loves hats, claims he collects them in fact - especially baseball hats, cowboy hats ('cause he's from Texas, it's required) and stocking caps like this one - and that he wears hats all the time, so I hope he gets lots of use out of it in the Vancouver cold. I'll send it up there after filming starts in July.
