Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Today was Amaya's birthday... She is one of my kitties... Behold Her Cute-'n-Tiny-ness:


Went to the RenFaire this last weekend and the weekend before. Lots of v. interesting stuff... I've got hundreds of pictures. I wish I could post them all, but that's impossible. I will have to figure out what it is that I really want to share. There were hotties playing Human Combat Chess and the jousters were pretty in a young Aragorn kind of way too. There was craziness at the Washing Well Wenches Show, and Bunnies in Peril (it was a magic show). Food was nummy... All in all, it was a good couple of days.


  1. :D Thank you! Yes, isn't she? She was one-year old yesterday.

  2. I will be including a belated birthday gift for the Fuzzy One in your parcel. ;)

  3. Ooohhh!! That's so sweet of you! *hugs* I'm sure she will love it!
