Monday, September 29, 2008

Steve's Q&A...

These are videos of Steve Carlson's Q&A... For those who don't know, Steve is a friend of Jensen. He's a singer/songwriter and we Supernatural fans just seem to adore him. And I think he might have done some music for the show at some point??? I dunno... But that's not really important. What's important is that he's awesome and he comes to cons to play for us. (There are no spoilers here. Just good times... ;D)

Edit: This second video will remain private until I hear from Steve that it is all right to make it public. If he tells me that he doesn't want it shown, it will be removed altogether. I'm really sorry, y'all. I know you're anxious to see it, but I was told (rather rudely, I must say) by another con-goer via several comments on the YouTube page that Steve specifically asked us not to put video of this particular song up on the internet for public viewing. I didn't hear him say that. Neither did my friends who were watching the performance with me, and another friend who has the entire Q&A on video (but doesn't wish to post her videos on the internet, sorry) says that at no point does he say that or anything that might be construed as that, but until I get confirmation from Steve himself, I can't allow anyone else to see it. I want to abide by whatever Steve's wishes are because I'm utterly horrified that I missed something, somewhere and that I posted something he asked us not to post.

Edit, the second (03/10): The video will not be shared. It contains things that Steve doesn't want public. I'll be recutting the video as soon as possible without those parts and reposting it at that time. Thank you for your understanding and I'm sorry for any inconvenience.


  1. Thanks a lot for these videos ! Steve is awesome and seems very nice and natural. I love him ;o) Sadly, the second vid is not available anymore... do you have it somewhere else ?

  2. Thank you for posting these! Steve is the bit I'm most interested in reports about and not many people are saying much. <3

  3. Hi! Stumbled across this via Google Alerts, and I have to say that you are LOVE for getting the video you did--so few people think to tape Steve's panels at these things. ♥ Any chance you might make the second part public? I'd love to be able to see it. :)

  4. Hi, y'all! You're most welcome.

    I'm very sorry to say that the 2nd one will not be back until Steve gives me his okay on it. If he doesn't do that, it won't be back and will be removed altogether. Please see the "Edit" I've made in the post for all the details.

  5. I was just wondering about the second post, it's the one that talks about Steve living with Jensen? Could you possibly paraphrase what he says, since you don't want to post the actual video before getting clearance from Steve? Also, is the song in the video the song that he has posted a video of on his MySpace, because if it is it would stand to reason that he wouldn't have an issue with anyone else posting it if he already has a live performance of the same song posted himself, you know?

  6. It is the one that talks about Steve living with Jensen... I'll be recutting it as soon as I can, as late as Sunday evening, so that it can be reposted without the parts that Steve doesn't want made public.

    He basically says that he was living in a shitty house he was renting and the house flooded and ruined all his stuff and then his neighbor got a dog that barked all the time and he was miserable. And Jensen, being the super cool guy he is, offered Steve his house in LA, since he's in Vancouver most of the year. When Jensen would be in LA though, they'd get together and work on songs together.

    The song that's on this video here is a brand new one that Steve is still in the process of writing, but he played us what he had so far (which sounded pretty amazing to me). Understandably, he doesn't want it shared.
