Sunday, October 19, 2008

Captain America

So... I love comic book movies. I'm not crazy for them, I don't analyze them, I don't freak out if they mess things up (generally speaking), I don't read the comic books they're based on, but I see pretty much every one that's released. I enjoy them. My favorites are The X-Men Trilogy (pretty much only because of Hugh Jackman - he saved it I think - and the amazing Patrick Stewert and Ian McKellan), Spiderman 3 (cause I thought it was a really good way to end the trilogy and that they knocked it out of the park), and Iron Man (cause Robert Downey Jr. is completely AMAZING! in it and I adore him to pieces).

Iron Man, of course, started something new though... It was the first of the many films that studio will produce about The Avengers. The second, of course, was The Incredible Hulk. The next will be Thor and then in 2011, Captain America. The Captain hasn't been cast yet. Fan boards are abuzz with suggestions and speculations. I have two suggestions... I'm sure neither will be listened to... as is usually the case, but until official word comes down from the studio, I hope anyway. I've heard that they want someone younger than both of my fav's, but honestly, I can't imagine anyone in their early-to-mid twenties playing the part. We're not talking Private America... it takes a little time at least to get promoted to Captain, you know. Early 30s seems more reasonable to me than early-to-mid 20s.

So Jensen Ackles would be beautiful and amazing, and he's my number 2 choice.

But my number one - simply because he exudes this amazing energy like he does CO2 when he exhales and just as easily and I find that incredibly hot, I don't care what, and I think that would serve him well as Captain America - John Barrowman. For real and true. I know he's 41 years old, but I defy anyone who doesn't know that to guess a single day over 33 on one of his bad days! Seriously, he's so young looking, it's superhuman.

And when I first heard they were doing Captain America as a movie, I thought of John Barrowman in the role instantly. Jensen is freaking gorgeous and amazingly talented too, and would do an amazing job. I don't mean to slight him in the least by picking John Barrowman over him. I wanted him for the young Captain Kirk in Star Trek 11 so bad and was so disappointed that he wasn't cast. But yeah, John Barrowman for Captain America. *nods*

Seriously, check him out:

Isn't he SO Captain America?!?!?! He is. *nods sagely* And he said at ComicCon when asked that he would love to do it, so yeah... *hoping so much*

And this gorgeous man can sing too (not that that has anything to do with Captain America, but God I love to listen to him sing!):

*passes out from his smokin' hotness*


  1. A while back I posted something about the remake of the Masters of the Universe. While not technically a comic book movie, I would be interested to see what your thoughts are on it. :P

  2. Hmm... I've never seen that one actually, and I can't remember having heard anything about it... Who's in it?

  3. You know how much I love John Barrowman. I totally agree that he would be awesome as Captain America. <3 And really, his looks defy age.

  4. I do, me too; he really would; his looks really do... ;D

  5. The original had Dolph Lundgren and Courtney Cox in it; the remake is, I think, yet to be filmed. Last I heard several people were in the running, including Karl Urban. I'll see if I can find the original article for you. It's quite amoosing. :P

    Hee.. I agree with both of you.

  6. Yeah, definitely never saw the original. But if Karl Urban is in it, say no more! I am so there! I even watched Pathfinder just for him. LOL!

  7. oooooh.. woman after my own heart! He's so cute in a leonine sort of way.

  8. I love John. He would do a great job. I just love that boy and those eyes of his. Excuse me while I go mop up the drool.

  9. LOL! Go right ahead and drool! Lord knows I do!

    If I ever had a chance to see him in person... like in a musical in the West End or something, oh, I don't know what I'd do with myself!

    I'm going to start sounding like a broken record very soon -- But, yes, he needs to play Captain America... He'd be fab! And, not to ignore it, but it would make such a fantastic statement too...

  10. I had to laugh when I read this! Anything with Capt. America is especially amusing to me as my hubby decided to demand that I fight Captain America (a guy from Marvel dressed up) AND then asked me out.

  11. LOL! I guess you'll be especially amused by the movie then...
