Friday, November 14, 2008

Le sigh...

So the Shetland might not work out. Even though I inquired ahead of time and was told that the Shetland in question was not from Louet, after I bought it, the seller rechecked their suppliers and indeed the Shetland is from Louet after all... So I might have a reaction to it. He is giving me a refund for that portion of my order and he's sending me samples of the Shetland with the Merino and Falkland so I can test it. But this will delay my package going out until Monday, so I won't get the fiber earlier than Wednesday but Thursday is more likely. If the Shetland falls through, he does have some nice looking alpaca in the right colors from Ashland Bay and Peace of Yarns, so I'll give that a shot. I like alpaca...


  1. Awwww.. and you were so looking forward to it! I'm so sorry...

    I noticed Ellen had some Shetland lace yarn when we were at the shop for knit-night on Tuesday. I fondled it and drooled... it does indeed seem extraordinarily yummy. But I have soooo much lace weight yarn! I can't justify getting more! LOL

    Do you have trouble with Brown Sheep roving, too? I'm guessing you probably might since you have trouble with the spun yarn.. The Sheep Shed Studio carries factory reject roving for a good price, some of which I've gotten to dye... But I guess that's sort of moot since you seem to be allergic to something in the yarn. :( Mew.

  2. Yeah... The order was with Copper Moose via ebay, and he issued me a refund for those as soon as he realized his mistake. He's sending me samples of them though so I can test them. The rovings I wanted are undyed, so it's possible that it's the Louet dye I'm allergic to rather than some chemical they might use in the process... which is what I'm hoping because then I'll be able to reorder the rovings. If I do have a reaction to his Shetland, I'm going to get some of the alpaca he has which comes from Peace of Yarns or Ashland Bay.

    Yeah, I've never tried Brown Sheep roving since I've had reactions to just handling their yarn in a shop. I figure that it's a chemical they treat the fiber with that my skin objects to.

  3. Probably. Best not to take chances. *nodnodnod*

  4. Exactly! It's shame really though since their roving and yarn is so readily available and in so many different pretty colors...
