Thursday, December 11, 2008

New Knitty, YAY!!!

It's taken hours for it to start loading quickly and completely for me... I guess there were a lot of people really happy about the new issue too.

I really like the Amy Clark Moore Interview. How awesome is she? Also the article about dyeing roving, which is something I'd really like to try, but haven't yet gotten to... And I'm glad that the Fiber Fiesta includes some reviews of BFL fiber because I have been wondering about it. Looks like nice stuff.

On to the patterns, starting with the handspun ones:

I love the Esteem pattern! I want to make that! O.O

Rusty Nail is also gorgeous! I want! And the Black Rose socks and fingerless mitts!!! I feel like Christmas has come early, y'all... You know, I've noticed with the past several issues, I like the the handspun patterns better than the others for the most part... They're just so neat, and I can more easily see how I can customize them for myself. I guess that's the nature of the beast.

I love Fern Glade! I'm thinking of making that at some point very soon. I've been looking for a slouchy/beret type pattern (there are so many out there...), and this might just be it.

Larus + Ardea is pretty too. I don't know if I'll make them, but I do like the two-tone edges.

Socks!!! Now, as we might have noticed, I have yet to successfully complete a pair of real, all the way down to the toe socks. Pedicure socks, yes. Whole and complete socks, no. Fargyles is really tempting. I love textured things. And they look freaking nifty! Also, I love Plaited Points.

I will probably never make them, but Oomingmacks makes me laugh. Likewise Socktopus...

Barkalounger would be torn to pieces by my dog. No chance. She loves chewing on felted wool way too much...

Not too very enthused by any of the sweaters... Just not feeling them this time...


  1. Oooh.. one of the ladies at knit-night gave me a teenie little piece of BFL roving (she's an amazing drop spindler) and swears up and down that once I spin it, I won't want anything else.

  2. Ooohh!! That's awesome! You'll have to tell me what you think once you've spun it.

    I feel that way about the Falkland that I've got right now. I had 8 ounces to start with, and I've spun two of those. Totally effortless spinning! I made the Bronte mitts that are posted on my Ravelry project page with very slightly less than one ounce! 124 yards exactly as far as I can figure. I was amazed! And then I made the baby mitts with only 40 yards of the second ounce. It's the squishiest, fluffiest stuff I've ever spun.

  3. In response to your sweater thing: I agree. I wasn't really grabbed by any of the sweaters, either. Usually, I LOVE winter knitting magazines specifically because of the interesting sweater patterns, and I'm just not.. as you said, just not feeling them.

  4. Yeah, they're not even tempting me a little bit. *nods*
