Wednesday, December 03, 2008


God damn President Bush and his cronies to Hell for this, if such a place should exist... which I don't really believe it does, but I sincerely mean that for the love of all that's Holy. Something that makes them sorry for what they're doing needs to happen to them, and since Divine Retribution seems more likely than anything else, I must petition for that. Look at what he's doing now!!!! And what the EPA is letting him do!! Stupid useless tool of the Big Polluters that the EPA is... People who work at the EPA, who are in charge of rubber stamping this, you should be extremely ashamed of yourselves for your betrayal of your purpose, the American people, and your children. I'm sure you're not at all ashamed, but karma will remember you, I hope.

Why can't Bush just sit on his hands for his last weeks in office? Surely he knows how much the country and the world hate him and that something like this will not endear him to anyone except the coal companies??? But perhaps I've answered my own question and Bush has fat retirement plans to get to courtesy of some corrupt indulgence from the coal companies themselves, if he just makes sure that this gets through while he's the lamest duck to ever be lame, huh? Idiote! (Because I have to link to something that makes me laugh... This post is otherwise too infuriating.)


  1. That's truly appalling. I shall write to Senator Byrd straight away...!

    This is almost as bad as mountain-topping! Awful, awful, awful!

  2. It really is awful! I hope Senator Byrd can doing something about it, and if not I hope President Obama can tell them to overturn it as soon as he takes office... since it doesn't seem to be anything with legislation behind it, just government agency rules.

  3. HONEY. You don't really expect the man not to complete his error-ridden ride in grand old style, do you? Just give to EarthJustice & the Nat'l Resources Defense Council and let them do their jobs. They'll get all these overturned as long as they've got the money to do it.

    Money talks, you just gotta know where to put it.


  4. No, I don't really expect him to do nothing until he's out of there, but I do wish he would. He's done so much more than enough.

    Yes, we can. Yes, we can. *takes it as a zen mantra*

  5. What does he care, anyway? He's leaving for Paraguay after his term is up, and he'll be thumbing his nose all the way to the airport. *sigh*
