Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Yay! Yarn! And Pie!

I made pie tonight... Pumpkin pie... Two of them. With this recipe. I didn't have any evaporated milk on hand, so I made some myself on the stove... Took about an hour and a half to slowly boil 3 cups of milk down to 1 1/2 cups... Next time, I'll just run out to the 24-hour Super Walmart. Still. YUM!

I spilled the filling of one of them just a bit, so that's what the darker places are on the crust edges.

I just tried the first piece... It's very custard-like and the pumpkin flavor isn't very strong (although it still tastes good), and I added an extra 1/2 cup of pumpkin. I may need to strain the pumpkin better, or it could be because my pie crusts weren't large enough for the entire filling. I made the same amount as the recipe calls for, but the pie crusts weren't deep enough for it all. Deep dish pie crusts are obviously a must.

And I finally uploaded pictures of the yarn I made for Jensen and Jared's socks.

Jensen's color... worsted weight, superwash merino:

The main color for both pairs of socks... worsted weight, superwash merino-alpaca:


Jared's color... worsted weight, superwash bfl:


I also just uploaded the pictures I took the weekend before last when I went out to a park in Pasco County with my mom and her friends from dog training class. They have a doberman. A very well trained doberman. Far better than our Maxie.







  1. Maxie's gotten huge! Hardly a surprise since she's a growing girl. :P

    The pies look delicious. I know I'm going to have some pumpkin left over from the tin when I make soap, so this is the perfect way to use the rest of it.

  2. Yeah, she has gotten pretty big. I think she's about 55 pounds now. But you're right, she's still growing. She won't be full grown for another seven months or so.

    Thank you! :D They tasted like pumpkin pie after they sat in the fridge overnight. I guess the flavors need time to sit or something. That's a wonderful idea for left over pumpkin.

    Also: Yum, pumpkin soap!!! :D
