Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Public Option NOW!

Write to your elected officials now by going to congress.gov.

The text of the bill can be found here.


  1. I'm all for the public option thing, but I'm infuriated at the notion that someone thinks it's necessary to *fine* people who don't buy health insurance. If you're unemployed--as a number of people obviously are.. ahem-- and can't afford to buy health insurance, how are you supposed to pay the fines? I think it needs a little more tweaking before it's released for public consumption. Either that, or they need to release ALL the details so people might be able to inform themselves better...

  2. I'm so disgusted with the Democrats. The Greens look better every day.

  3. Yeah, fining people who can't afford it or choose not to buy it is ridiculous. I think there just needs to be the option... "option" being the operative word, as in one choice of many, including the option to not have any at all.

  4. Although, I have looked at the bill and I honestly can't find where it says or suggests that everyone would be required to have health insurance of some sort and if they did not that they would be fined. I really do think that that's a myth... That is what's going on in Massachusetts, but I have only heard conservative bloggers and some talking heads ever say this about Obama's plan. I was under the impression that Obama has denied this again and again, but not recently because critics have moved on to other things...

  5. I read an article yesterday claiming that a so-called moderate Dem. Senator from Montana is pushing to get this penalty thing added to the bill. The President, during his candidacy, was adamantly opposed to any such thing--you're right, Rachael--so hopefully he'll remember he's allowed to veto things if the penalty bill passes the vote in both houses. ;) Of course, MSN is hardly a reliable source of information, even if they pick up stories from the wire services... ahem.

    Greens.. Blues... the Byzantine Hippodrome, anyone? ;)

  6. Indeed! Well, if true, that is very suspect of the Senator from Montana. I'm sure Barack will fight that tooth and nail if it comes to it.
