Thursday, September 10, 2009

Somebody in Washington got schooled last night...

Several somebodies actually, and I think they were much chagrined by it.

You can watch Obama's entire health care speech here, as well as the official Republican rebuttal immediately following.

I thought it was an awesome speech and I think the Republicans who are against it are just smoking crack (and by "smoking crack" I mean pandering to special interest groups lobbying for the status quo who are probably lining the Republicans' coffers in ways that should be and might actually be illegal).

As to what was going on in the House while Obama was talking: What the heck were those sheets of paper that some of the Republicans kept holding up? And that tasteless asshole, who shouted out that Obama is a "liar" right in the middle of his speech, Rep. Joe Wilson from South Carolina (whose web server crashed minutes after he did that, btw), needs to go home now.


  1. O.O I'm.. speechless.

    Mom wants to know what happened afterward. Did the Sgt. At Arms escort him out or something? Has that ever, EVER happened before? Holy cow...

    "bounthe": a bounce with a slight Castillian pronunciation or a midieval bounty of some kind?

  2. No, I don't think he was escorted out, but the server for his website crashed minutes after he did that and he's been getting hate messages all night and all day, and over $100,000 has been donated to the person who is going to be running against him in the next election since this happened. There's an article on yahoo about the aftermath.
