Friday, February 05, 2010

It's almost that time again...

I'm thinking of participating in Ravelympics 2010. I wasn't in Ravelry during the '08 Olympics, so this would be my first chance to compete. I have no idea what I'll do though.


  1. Yes, I think so too! Will you be participating in any of the "events"?

  2. I might *try* to, but I might end up dithering over what events to pick. :P Right now I'm thinking something lacey.

  3. I say pick the pattern and then see what categoies it qualifies for. Something lacey would be very nice! :D

  4. I'm strongly leaning toward the Strangling Vine Scarf for the Lace Luge event; probably going to use my Earthly Hues yarn for it. My other thought is to finish spinning about two ounces of white yarn, dye it, and use it for another scarfy project under a dye-related event. AND, since I also wound up the purple yarn you sent me, I'd like to try the smaller version of the Bitter Root shawl/shawlette. :p Still have a ways to go with the spinning part, though, since I'm doing it on a drop spindle.

    Speaking of which, the fig preserves are absolutely delicious. The cookies *were*... we ate them and had a wonderful time. Nom. I loooove cranberries.

  5. All of those projects sound awesome!!! The Stangling Vine Scarf sounds particularly interesting! And if you did the spinning project with a drop spindle that would certainly be in the spirit of doing something challenging within the - what is it? 14 days?

    Thank you, thank you! :D I'm so glad that you liked all that! We've been enjoying the fig preserves as well. And I too love those cookies! Cranberries are my favorite berries actually.
