Monday, April 05, 2010

Coming and going...

  • I got in to the Grad Certificate Program at USF! YAY! So in the Fall, it is back to school for me! I'm really happy about this...

  • My Spring Break starts on Friday. So I'll be heading out to South Carolina that morning. I need to gather the projects I'll be taking with me... and I've got a lot of laundry and packing to do before then.

  • I finally sent my HitchHiker off to Dave at the Merlin Tree to have the second treadle added. It should arrive there sometime today, according to UPS. I have no idea how long it will take to get it back. In the meantime, I have no wheel here to use...

  • My friend Andrea, who is pregnant, is due in a matter of weeks! She thinks she'll be a little early, but of course, there's no way of knowing until it happens. We're all so excited for her!

  • Unless my friend Maria gets a job in the next week or so, she's going to be moving back to Tampa. She's in DC right now. So, it looks like, unless a miracle happens, I definitely won't be going to DC this summer to visit with her. That kind of bums me out because DC is a lot of fun. But of course, she'll save a lot of money by being home, so that's a good thing. I'll still have to go up to Front Royal at some point to see about the Mach II wheel I want to get though...

  • Must remember to upload pictures of my garden to share. It is looking beautiful right now!


  1. Congratulations, dear! :D

    Is the wheel you're looking at one of those neat ones which fold up and fit practically in a ziplock baggie?

  2. Thank you! :D

    Nope, I'm looking into the Mach II by SpinOlution. It's a full-size double-treadle castle style production wheel and has a super efficient transfer of kinetic energy, so it's easier to treadle it... supposedly. I want to try it out, and if it is as good as I keep reading it is, I'm going to get one in Front Royal, VA (closest dealer to anywhere I live) to use as my main wheel. I'll still have my Saxony at the cabin in VA and my HitchHiker for taking everywhere else, but I really just need something that I can crank out the yarn on without hurting myself. They do have two travel wheels too, the Bee (which folds to 12x19x9) and the Hopper (which is just very small and doesn't fold, similar to the HitchHiker).
