Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I'm back...

Just got back a few hours ago, and boy, do I feel swamped... (I wish my life didn't pile up like so much junk-mail on the front porch of an empty house when I go away... but I suppose that this happens to everyone.) It's going to take me at least all of tomorrow to get through all the snail-mail and e-mail waiting for attention... not to mention the annoyance of health insurance... Apparently, there is a nice thing about being graduated and working at a real job before the age of 24 and that is group insurance plans through one's employer... anything to avoid being on hold for 45 minutes, talking to a person who is essentially a telemarketer, then talking to an underwriter (which I think is a just sleazier version of a telemarketer, crossed with a crooked attorney, crossed with a car salesman, crossed with a Fortune 500 CEO), re-capping everything I just said to the telemarketer when they can plainly see the answers on the computer screen in front of them (they just want to trip you up, you see)... And then they rob a person blind! Thieves! It makes me feel dirty and used... And now I have to do something called a "paramedical examination"... That doesn't sound fun, and, at the very least, it will be time consuming... Grrr and double-grrr... Not the home-coming I was hoping for...

Anyway, update on the Pokeberry dyed yarn!

The yarn has now faded to it's undyed state (though it is not at all brown, so that does strengthen the tannins are absorbed by the earlier yarn batches theory - wish I could come up with a clever acronym for that...). So pokeberries are indeed not lightfast, in addition to not being washfast... It did however take almost a month of day-long exposure to direct sunlight... So it could be worse...

To bed with me...

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