Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Joys of the Holidays...

I got way more than I expected for the holidays. I got two darning eggs, one an antique, from Susan and Jason, as well as a bunch of other stuff. I got CDs, all of which are awesome! I listened to them all the way home (and that was an 11 hour trip, so each of them got played several times). The Medieaval Baebes - despite the odd name - are really cool! Lewis Black is funny as ever, and 30 Seconds to Mars rocks! I got a fun mug with a my initial on it... It really is quite spiffy and perfect for hot cocoa. There were a lot of other things as well. All of it really great and much appreciated. I remember more about what I got for other people than what I got myself.

My little siblings each got a ton of stuff. They are not in any way deprived where presents are concerned. I think I got each of them about how much my brother and I combined received for Chanukah and Christmas when were little. And that's just what they got from me. Doesn't include their gifts from parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. An ocean of presents really...

Pictured here are my sweet little brother and sisters, from left to right, David, Rachel and Heather. This photo was taken yesterday morning just before they left for school and I left to head home. All three are wearing their hats that I made them. The girls are wearing Odessa and David is wearing a solid-colored Tychus. They are both some of the best patterns I've ever knit from.

I was surprised how much David likes his hat. He hardly took it off after I gave it to him. The girls liked theirs too. Rachel was coveting Lara's from the second that Lara opened her present. But Rachel got over it when she saw that she had one too, and in her favorite color. (I wish that I had gotten a picture of Lara with hers, but it totally slipped my mind the two days we were in the 'ville.) Heather wore hers often too, even when playing and when she had her hair in a pony tail. I'm very glad!

For Susan, I made two pairs of bright red wool Godey's Ladies' Book New-Style Garters for Civil War reenacting. I wish I had gotten a picture of those too... And that's it for things that I made for people...

Speaking of Civil War reenacting, I got my bloomers, chemise and corset over the vacation... Still need at least a corded petticoat, corset cover and a dress. But I figure, I'm half-way there! The corset is a lovely dove-gray with cream lace trim. The rest of the things are white with white lace trim. All very pretty...

While we were in the Ville, we went to the land that my parents have bought in Bassett. Here's a few photos I took when we hiked up to the top of the hill, which my parents are saving for me to build a house on someday:

I call the above "David of the Clan MacLeod"...

Rachel of the Wood... and the Yellow Submarine...

The way down... Yes, it is at least as steep as it looks...

It was a nice little trip...

Oh, and back at the Burough, I took more pictures of my favorite still life subjects... tomatoes and bottles. I did not set them up that way. That's how I found them. Nice, huh?

And the food! Let me tell you about the food! Traditional turkey and ham dinner for Christmas Day at TK & Jim's house, with delicious potatoes au gratin, corn and grits souffle and other side dishes. Venison roast on Christmas Eve, thanks to Jason's skill at hunting with his bow and arrows... We had more of that roast ('cause it was huge!) for New Year's Eve. And Catherine made a wonderful feast for us several days after Christmas when we went to see her - turkey, green beans, yams, etc. And her sister, Louise, stuffed me and the bitties all with lemon pound cake, cookies, peanut butter fudge and regular fudge with iced tea to drink (all home made) when we went to visit her and her mother up on the mountain. We thought we'd have a sugar overload, but oh, it was *so* worth it! I'm still dreaming about that fudge. I also made potato latkes on the last night of Chanukah and sweet potato latkes to go with the venison. Pretty darn good, if I do say so myself.

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