Monday, August 27, 2007


I got a haircut today. After growing my hair out for 8 years and getting it down to the base of my spine, I cut it. It's now just below my chin and the ponytail will go off to Locks of Love. My head feels a lot lighter.

I went with Rachel Weisz's do 'cause I think it's cute and very "now" and I've never had a "now" haircut before, so I thought I should try it out.

Mine is a little shorter than hers, but it will grow out. Right now, it looks a lot more like hers did back in January 2006.

Two of my friends, Laura and Lauren, went with me. Laura didn't think I'd go through with it. They both nearly screamed when my stylist started cutting and lots of people who were waiting to have their hair done watched from across the store. It was a bit weird having all those eyes focused on me when I was getting my hair done. Laura took pictures and if they are good, I'll post them when she sends them to me.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

It's progress!

Starbucks has agreed to make all the milk used in its US stores rBGH-free by December 31, 2997! Woot! See more in the press release here.

Not that it will make me buy more Starbucks. I don't like coffee (or any of their other cover-up-the-taste-of-coffee-with-ice-cream-and-sugar crap).

Life Update

Well, thought I've neglected my little piece of the web here long enough. I've been back home for something like two weeks. The first week was weird, trying to get back into everything here. This last one has been all about getting my head in the game for classes, which start on Monday. Not taking many, just two, but they are the last two I'll take as an undergrad. So, yeah, trying not to freak out over that... But mostly, I've been a total bum. When I haven't been doing absolutely necessary chores (which tomorrow will include laundry), I've been sitting on my butt in front of this computer, doing nothing of any particular import, or sleeping because I know both things will happen very little once the semester starts, so I'm getting in some last minute quality time while I can.

I went to USF today to get my parking pass (totally at the last minute) and to help my friends buy textbooks at the USF Bookstore (I've already ordered mine from amazon). After that my friends and I went out to dinner and then to the movies to see "The Nanny Diaries." It's a very cute movie! And I think has some important social commentary too. After the movie, we returned to the parking lot to find that I had left my lights on and my battery was dead. So we had to find some nice gentlemen to help us jump it because, of course, I never got my own cables back from the time my brother "borrowed" them. We did find two very nice gentlemen. One was there with his young son and he had been in the concessions line ahead of us and we had talked earlier. He just happened to have been leaving the theater at the same time as we had discovered the car was dead. He had no cables, but was very helpful in finding someone else who did. The other gentlemen had a truck and some cables and brought them both over to where I was parked and between the two of them, my car was up and running within ten minutes. There were two policemen there at the theater, just hanging out and neither of them had been willing to lift a finger to help. This was surprising to me because the last time I left my lights on while at a movie theater, it was a police officer who came to my rescue along with my friend Joe. The police officer had had a small portable battery in his trunk with attached cables for the sole purpose of jumping people's cars. Very nice man. But the ones who were at Starlight seemed annoyed to have even been asked if they had cables we could borrow.

I've done absolutely nothing craft related lately... well, almost nothing. I have worked on the Latin wood plaque I'm making for my friend Lauren. She saw my "ecce virent omnia" one and said that it would be better if it said, "Behold, everything is purple," purple being her most favorite color. So I'm making her one for her birthday, which was earlier this month. It will say "ecce purpurea sunt omnia" because there is no latin verb that means "to be purple." She thinks this is a terrible shame. LOL! I also went to Lauren's work, a paint your own pottery cafe, and painted a sleeping cat figurine. It's not done yet. It needs one more coat of gray and then I have to put pink on it's ears and nose and highlight it's closed eyes and mouth with black. It will be tres mignon (It's funny, I've noticed that when I start thinking about Latin, more of my French comes back to me.), and I will post pictures once it's fired.

When, oh, when will I ever get to my indigo dyeing, not to mention all the alpaca I have waiting...? Perhaps I'll be able to figure that out after I've gotten syllabos mei... or would that be syllabos meos ("syllabi of me" vs "my syllabi")? ::quirks eyebrow:: hmmm...

I still need to get my pictures from my latest trip developed. Perhaps that should go on the To-Do for tomorrow as well... hmm...

In the meantime, I'm hoping if I listen to "Dragostea Din Tei" enough times that my brain will numb and stop worrying over nothing. If you're wondering what that song is, it's this little bit of fun and madness:

Before you ask, they're singing in Romanian...

Friday, August 17, 2007


For dinner this evening, I am eating a veggie burger with organic Munster cheese, organic spinach, organic alfalfa/broccoli/mustard sprouts, organic yellow bell pepper and organic sauteed white mushrooms with organic stoneground Dijon mustard on organic millet & flax bread (locally baked in a small bakery). I have all-natural sweet potato fries on the side and 100% organic pomegranate/cherry juice to drink... And I would not consider myself a health nut.

That is all...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007

Sophia Autumn

or "Sophie" as we're all going to call her...

She was born August 8th at about 4:10pm. She's 7 lbs, 3 oz. and is 19 inches long. These camera phone pictures are the only ones that I can upload at the moment. There will be more when I get home and get the film developed next week, but for now, these will have to suffice...

Lara and Sophie are both doing very well. Sophie has a voracious appetite and the cutest little face and hands and feet and... well, you get the picture... We're all totally in love with her, as if there was any doubt. She's a very good baby and hardly ever cries.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

An Outpost of Alexander Found

From (follow the link for pictures):

Alexander's Gulf outpost uncovered
By Neil Arun
BBC News

Alexander the Great's awe-inspiring conquest of Asia is drawing archaeologists to a desert island off the shores of Iraq.

Greek government experts are going to Failaka - a Gulf outpost of Alexander's army, now governed by Kuwait.

The island's bullet-holed buildings tell of a conflict still fresh in people's memories - Saddam Hussein's brief occupation of Kuwait in the early 1990s.

Beneath the sun-baked sands of Failaka, archaeologists hope to unearth the secrets of an earlier conquest - a settlement established by Alexander's general, Nearchus, in the 4th Century BC.

The excavations will focus on the ruins of an ancient citadel and cemetery, the general secretary of the Greek culture ministry, Christos Zahopoulos, told the BBC News website.

Earlier work by French archaeologists has uncovered the remnants of a temple to Artemis, the Greek goddess of hunting, as well as several Greek coins and idols.

'The first globalisation'

According to Michael Wood, the author of a book on Alexander, the period after the conqueror's death saw Hellenistic culture take root across a broad swathe of land, from India to Egypt.

He cites the example of Uruk, a site near Basra in southern Iraq, where inscriptions have been found bearing the names of the local ruling class.

The names, Wood says, are a hybrid of ancient Babylonian and Greek titles - and they date to several hundred years after Alexander's death.

Alexander's conquest of Asia also accelerated commerce in his colonies, giving rise to what Wood describes as "the first globalisation".

Failaka's position, at the point where the Tigris and Euphrates pour into the Gulf, means it would have been ideally placed to exploit this economic boom.

Mr Wood says the Greek team's findings may reveal more of how the ancient civilisations of the Gulf thrived on trade with their contemporaries in Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley.

The Greek archaeologists will begin their excavations in November, Greece's culture ministry says. Much of the work will be centred around the site of the ancient town of Icarea.

According to Mr Zahopoulos, the team will also carry out restoration on artefacts and ruins that have already been unearthed.

Civilian flight

Alexander was born in 356BC to the king of Macedon, in northern Greece.

By his early thirties, he had conquered much of the ancient world, from Egypt to India.

He died at the age of 33 of a high fever in Babylon, in what is now Iraq.

Failaka's name is thought to descend from the Greek word for outpost - "fylakio."

Before the Greeks arrived, the island had been inhabited by the Bronze Age Dilmun civilisation.

By the time Saddam Hussein's troops invaded in 1990, the island had become the longest continually-inhabited site in Kuwait.

Most of the civilian population fled for the mainland during the Iraqi occupation. Few have returned.

Story from BBC NEWS
Published: 2007/08/07 09:58:47 GMT