Thursday, January 10, 2008

Just a quickie post...

K... I'm writing this quick and then going off to bed... I get free stuff from every year on my birthday. Things like Tarot card readings and free astrological forecast samples and stuff... Well, I just did the free astrological sample that they have available and this is what it said for me:

The Sun In The Solar Return Chart
Sun Aspects Uranus
- Uranus aspecting the Sun suggests that the individual desires to make changes, possibly in rapid succession. Generally, any solar return year that has a major Uranus-Sun aspect also has a corresponding significant life change or development such as a pregnancy or birth, career or job transfer, relocation, illness, etc. Changes tend to be more disruptive and less controllable when they involve a conjunction, square or opposition aspect, but all aspects can ultimately indicate beneficial changes. Issues involving boredom versus originality, or creativity and freedom versus restriction, are common.

Can't remember what aspect of the Sun and Uranus is in my chart. Will have to look it up on my other computer later... but as you can see, it's not far off the mark for what I'll be doing this year now that I've graduated...

Later, after sleep and my doctor's appointment later today, I will be in a better frame of mind to do the tarot reading. Right now, am far too pensive...


  1. Happy belated birthday! Mine's Tuesday and we're supposed to get SNOW.. yay!
    *hugs* I hope you had a good one and got to do something really, really fun.

  2. Thanks, Ilana!! *hugs* It was really good. The doc said I have acid reflux, but the meds are controlling it at the moment. And after that, I didn't have to worry so much about what my health is doing. So it was a good day.

    Yay! Snow!! That's so exciting!! Happy birthday to you too!

  3. Oooooh.. I'm so sorry. You must be relieved to have things under control. Did the doc say anything about a hietal hernia? Sometimes the two go hand in hand and are both aggravated by stress, which I know was a big problem for you.

    I'll take a few pictures if it does snow. ;)

  4. I am relieved, yes. The doc didn't say anything about a hietal hernia, but my friend Zinzi, who is an RN, mentioned it in passing after I told her what my symptoms were several days before my appointment with the doctor, but she almost immediately dismissed it because she said if it was that I'd be in a lot more pain than I was and the onset of symptoms wouldn't have been as gradual as they were. The doc mentioned the possibility of it being my gall bladder having a problem or an ulcer, but he ordered bloodwork to check for that and also liver, kidney and thyroid abnormalities, and it all came back clear. Thank goodness.

    Yes, please do take pictures if it snows! I would love to see it!
